Oracle 上下文索引:不适用于 dblink

Oracle context index: doesn't work over dblink

db1 上有两个数据库,table test_table,上下文索引为字段 a。查询:

select *
  from test_table t
 where contains(t.a, 'str') > 0 

它在 db1 上运行良好。但是当我尝试通过其他数据库的 dblink 执行相同的查询时:

select *
  from test_table@db1 t
 where contains(t.a, 'str') > 0  


ora-20000:Oracle 文本错误: DRG-10599: 列未编入索引

您必须添加 dblink 才能运行。

The CONTAINS operator also supports database links. You can identify a remote table or materialized view by appending @dblink to the end of its name. The dblink must be a complete or partial name for a database link to the database containing the remote table or materialized view. (Querying of remote views is not supported.)

select *
  from test_table@db1 t
 where contains(t.a, 'str')@db1 > 0.