
Capture still image from webcam (DirectSHowLib, VB.NET)


我开始玩 DirectShowLib 但我一无所知...谁能给我指导?

Imports DirectShowLib

Public Class Form1

    Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click

        PictureBox1.Image = Nothing

        Dim Cam As DsDevice = DsDevice.GetDevicesOfCat(FilterCategory.VideoInputDevice).FirstOrDefault

        If Cam IsNot Nothing Then

            ' ... what now?

        End If

    End Sub

End Class

DirectShowLib 的 samples DxSnap、DxWebCam (C#) 展示了如何从网络摄像头进行捕捉。那里还有 VB.NET DxLogoVB,它做了不同的事情,但如果您还寻找一些 DriectShow.NET + VB.NET 示例代码,它仍然很好。


A poor man's web cam program. This application runs as a Win32 Service.
It takes the output of a capture graph, turns it into a stream of JPEG files, and sends it thru TCP/IP to a client application.


Use DirectShow to take snapshots from the Still pin of a capture device. Note the MS encourages you to use WIA for this, but if you want to do in with DirectShow and C#, here's how.

Note that this sample will only work with devices that output uncompressed video as RBG24. This will include most webcams, but probably zero tv tuners.

好的,我能做的最好的取决于 AForge.Controls and AForge.Video.DirectShow 并且正在使用这段代码,我打算改进它(这是一个粗略的划痕 - 但拍了照片):

Public Class Form1
    Private Sub Test() Handles Me.Load
        Dim rf As New RolleiFlex
        PictureBox1.Image = rf.Click
    End Sub
End Class

Public Class RolleiFlex

    Public Sub New()
        Dim vDevices = New AForge.Video.DirectShow.FilterInfoCollection(FilterCategory.VideoInputDevice)
        Devices = vDevices.Cast(Of FilterInfo).Select(
            Function(fi) New Device With {
            .Name = fi.Name,
            .MonikerString = fi.MonikerString}).ToArray
        SelectedDevice = Devices.FirstOrDefault
        vDevices = Nothing
    End Sub

    Public Devices As Device()

    Public Property SelectedDevice As Device

    Public Class Device
        Public Property Name As String
        Public Property MonikerString As String
    End Class

    Public Function Click() As Bitmap
        Dim retBmp As Bitmap
        Dim camera As New AForge.Controls.VideoSourcePlayer
        camera.VideoSource = New VideoCaptureDevice(SelectedDevice.MonikerString)
            retBmp = camera.GetCurrentVideoFrame
            If retBmp Is Nothing Then Threading.Thread.Sleep(100)
        Loop While retBmp Is Nothing
        camera = Nothing
        Return retBmp
    End Function

End Class