试飞 Beta 测试:Xcode 6.3 Beta 4 未显示崩溃

Test Flight Beta Testing: Xcode 6.3 Beta 4 does not show crashes

我正在关注新的试飞程序。我开发了一个应用程序(我通过 Xcode 提交到 iTunes Connect 门户),如果点击 UIButton,它就会崩溃。由于该应用程序可用于内部测试人员的 Beta 测试,我希望在 Xcode 6.3 Beta 4 的新 Crashes 部分中看到崩溃日志(参见 Crashes Organizer Help).但是什么也没有。没有可用的崩溃。

有什么特别的原因吗?这与我使用的测试仪类型有关吗?我了解到 Xcode 6.3 是测试版。


Xcode 6.3 已经发布,现在可以崩溃了。


来自 Apple 文档

How Crash Logs Are Collected and Aggregated into Crash Reports

Apple provides a service that collects crash logs from users and organizes them into downloadable crash reports. However, crash logs are collected only if you upload an app with the symbols. (In the Archives organizer, select the “Include app symbols for your application…” box when you upload your app to iTunes Connect.) For apps released in the App Store, the user must also agree to share crash logs with developers. TestFlight users automatically share crash logs with developers. The service that creates the crash reports does the following:

  • Collects crash logs from both TestFlight and App Store builds

  • Provides the total number of unique devices where the crash occurred

  • Provides a sample set of crash logs for each crash report

  • Removes all personal user data from the crash logs

  • Creates crash reports daily

When you open the Crashes organizer, Xcode begins refreshing the crash reports for your apps. Xcode downloads the top crash reports—crash reports with the most number of occurrences on unique devices—that occurred during the past two weeks. However, there may be up to a three day delay between when you first distribute your app and when crash reports are available in Xcode.



当您向 iTunes Connect 提交新版本时,您会在管理器中看到 THIS 屏幕,您需要确保选中显示以下内容的框:

"Include app symbols for your application to receive symbolicated crash logs from Apple. "

首次设置 iPhone 时,系统会询问您 THIS

如果您 select "Don't Share" 则不会报告崩溃

P.S。我试图在 post 中显示图像,但我还没有任何代表,所以它不会让我,我能做的最好的是 link 一些图像。