如何在 IntelliJ IDEA 中显示 类 的访问修饰符?

How to show access modifiers for classes in IntelliJ IDEA?

我最近升级到 Intellij IDEA 2017.2,访问修饰符图标从我的文件树中消失了...如何取回它们?


从 2019.2 版本开始,您可以在项目视图选项中启用它,切换 显示可见性图标:


这个选项是有意禁用的,参见this comment的解释:

This information was intentionally removed, as we believe that it brings more clutter than actual value.

要重新启用它,请在 Help 中添加 -Dide.projectView.show.visibility=true | Edit Custom VM Options.

自 2019.2 以来,实际上有一个易于使用的选项,如 comment 中所述:

you can find this setting in options menu of Project Tool Window. It's called "Show Visibility Icons"