如何将 (java.lang.Class) Class 转换为通过反射获得的 Class

How to cast a (java.lang.Class) Class to a Class obtained with reflection

我正在尝试构建一个模块来管理我的数据库的目录,例如:国家、企业、用户等。用户应该 select 来自组合框的目录并且系统应该显示table 与主要列(在数据库中不为空,一些由我预定义)。在这 3 个目标中,我只实现了 2 个: 1.- 在使用反射 selecting 目录后从实体 类 获取 @NotNull 字段 2.-显示带有动态列的 table 也从上面检索它们。 但是 3 号给我带来了麻烦。问题是,我在视图中使用以下代码动态显示列(基于我存储在对象中的 @NotNull 字段),(https://www.primefaces.org/showcase/ui/data/datatable/columns.xhtml):

<p:dataTable  id="conceptos" var="pojo" value="#{catalogoMB.comocombo}>
<p:columns value="#{catalogoMB.columns}" var="column" 
columnIndexVar="colIndex" sortBy="#{pojo[column.property]}" filterBy="#
        <f:facet name="header">
        <h:outputText value="#{column.header}" />
        <h:outputText value="#{pojo[column.property]}" />

因此,例如,在没有反射的情况下,以正常方式,上面的代码将像这样工作: comcombo 将具有以下属性:name、value、id;我的列数组将是相同的:名称、值、ID ... 问题是,comocombo 是一个 List<Object> 对象,我在其中存储字段的反射 class 值,returns java.lang.class 而不是 EntityClass 的实例,尽管我管理从 class (组合)的对象实例调用 setter 和 getter - 据说 - 因此,当我尝试显示 pojo[column.property]-> comcombo["id"]、comcombo["name"] 或 comcombo["value"] 时,它向我发送了一个异常,指出 java.lang.class 没有此任何属性....我怎样才能找到它们?我读过 Map<String, String>.cast() 但我不确定这是否可行。

public void populateT(){ 
comocombo=new ArrayList<>();
Object tt ;
y = tabla.get(tabla.size()-1).getConcpetos(); //result of query type: 
FindAll from the entity Class 
Class combito= Class.forName("sipe.services."+ catName); //the "path" of the 
Entity Classes
for (Integer j=0; j<y.size()-1; j++){
            for (Integer i=0; i< tabla.size()-1; i++){
            tucampo=minustomayus(y.get(j).getClass().getDeclaredField(tabla.get(i).getNombre_c()).getName()); //tabla.get(i).getNombre_c()-> here I've stored the @NotNull properties' names (countryid, countryname...) whic are the same in  columns = new ArrayList<ColumnModel>();  (catalogoMB.columns in the view) 
            Class cls= Class.forName("sipe.services."+ catName);
            Method method = cls.getDeclaredMethod("get"+tucampo); // for example "countryid" -> getCountryid              
            Class<?> type = null;
            for (Method methods : combito.getDeclaredMethods())
            { //Here I'm trying to invoke setter of the Entity Class in order to store its values..
              //equivalent to: if o is an instance of Entity Class Country: Country o = new Country(); o.setCountryid(2);
                if (methods.getName().contains("set"+tucampo)){


 private void createDynamicColumns(){
            //split column templates
            String[] columnKeys = columnTemplate.split(" ");
            //set first list to null
            //this should be a List with no type specified
            //eg List objects = new ArrayList<>();
            //since you will dynamically populate it based on what the user selects from combobox
            objects = null;
            //clear columns
            //create a class from combobox selection
            Class<?> forName = Class.forName("pathToClass." + comboboxSelection);
            //get declared fields in that class
            List<Field> asList = Arrays.asList(forName.getDeclaredFields());
            //for each columkeys
            //if method.getName() can be found in columnKeys
            //add that columnKey to the new columnList;
            for(int i =0;i< asList.size();i++)
                for (String columnKey : columnKeys) {
                    String fieldName = asList.get(i).getName();
                    if (columnKey.equalsIgnoreCase(fieldName)) {

          //fetch from the database the objects list
           objects = DAO.findAll();

和 facelets 页面

<p:dataTable var="object" value="#{backingBean.objects}">                    
        <p:columns value="#{BackingBean.columns}" var="column">
            <f:facet name="header">
                <h:outputText value="#{column}" />
            <h:outputText value="#{object[column]}" />
