
the package can prompt file path prompt like Bracket while editing HTML

Bracket Editor中非常方便,可以在输入时提示文件路径。

搜索了一段时间后,我仍然找不到可以完成 Bracket 功能的软件包。

你能推荐或命名一个在 Sublime Text 3 中提供类似功能的软件包吗?

我使用 AutoFileName, although it can be a bit intrusive at times, if you're trying to type a string literal and it keeps trying to autocomplete paths. Other than that, recent versions seem to work quite well. Another option is FileSystem Autocompletion, which I haven't tried. FuzzyFilePath 也可能对您有用,但只会在您当前的项目中插入文件路径。