
C++: How to get a private property with a dynamic variable in a class?

我想创建一个简单的 Car class,它有一个 Car::get 方法,我可以使用该方法通过以下字符串访问汽车的私有属性:

// Create Car Intance
Car myCar;
cout << myCar.get("wheels");

我的问题是我不知道如何用动态变量指向私有属性。这是 class:

// Libraries & Config
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

// Create Car Class
class Car {
       int wheels = 4;
       int doors = 5;
       Car();                // constructor
       ~Car();               // deconstructor
       int get(string what); //

// Constructor
Car::Car(){ cout << "Car constructed." << endl; }

// Deconstructor
Car::~Car(){ cout << "Car deconstructed." << endl; }

// Get Method
int Car::get(string what){
    // === THE PROBLEM ===
    // How do I access the `wheels` property of the car class with the what argument?
    return this[what] // ??

// Create Car Instance
Car myCar;
cout << myCar.get("wheels");
class Car {
       int wheels = 4;    <<< This would flag an error as you cannot provide
       int doors = 5;     <<< in class initialization for non-consts.

int Car::get (string what)
  if( what == "wheels" )        //// check for case sensitivity...
      return wheels;
      return doors;

您可以使用 std::map:

#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

class Car {
       std::map<std::string, int> parts = {{"wheels", 4}, {"doors", 5}};

       int get(std::string what);

// Constructor
Car::Car(){ std::cout << "Car constructed." << endl; }

// Deconstructor
Car::~Car(){ std::cout << "Car deconstructed." << endl; }

// Get Method
int Car::get(string what){

    return parts[what];

int main()
    // Create Car Intance
    Car myCar;
    cout << myCar.get("wheels") << '\n';

std::map 的工作原理值得一读:http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/container/map