
Lemmatizing Italian sentences for frequency counting



我发现这个名为 pattern (pip2 install pattern) 的库应该补充 nltk 以便执行 意大利语 的词形还原,但是我不确定下面的方法是否正确,因为每个词都是自己词形还原的,而不是在句子的上下文中。

可能我应该让 pattern 负责标记一个句子(因此还用关于 verbs/nouns/adjectives 等的元数据注释每个单词),然后检索词形还原的单词,但我无法这样做,我什至不确定目前是否可行?

此外:在意大利语中,一些文章用撇号呈现,例如 "l'appartamento"(在英语中 "the flat")实际上是 2 个单词:"lo" 和 "appartamento"。现在我无法找到一种方法来将这两个词与 nltkpattern 的组合分开,所以我无法以正确的方式计算这些词的频率。

import nltk
import string
import pattern

# dictionary of Italian stop-words
it_stop_words = nltk.corpus.stopwords.words('italian')
# Snowball stemmer with rules for the Italian language
ita_stemmer = nltk.stem.snowball.ItalianStemmer()

# the following function is just to get the lemma
# out of the original input word (but right now
# it may be loosing the context about the sentence
# from where the word is coming from i.e.
# the same word could either be a noun/verb/adjective
# according to the context)
def lemmatize_word(input_word):
    in_word = input_word#.decode('utf-8')
    # print('Something: {}'.format(in_word))
    word_it = pattern.it.parse(
    # print("Input: {} Output: {}".format(in_word, word_it))
    the_lemmatized_word = word_it.split()[0][0][4]
    # print("Returning: {}".format(the_lemmatized_word))
    return the_lemmatized_word

it_string = "Ieri sono andato in due supermercati. Oggi volevo andare all'ippodromo. Stasera mangio la pizza con le verdure."

# 1st tokenize the sentence(s)
word_tokenized_list = nltk.tokenize.word_tokenize(it_string)
print("1) NLTK tokenizer, num words: {} for list: {}".format(len(word_tokenized_list), word_tokenized_list))

# 2nd remove punctuation and everything lower case
word_tokenized_no_punct = [string.lower(x) for x in word_tokenized_list if x not in string.punctuation]
print("2) Clean punctuation, num words: {} for list: {}".format(len(word_tokenized_no_punct), word_tokenized_no_punct))

# 3rd remove stop words (for the Italian language)
word_tokenized_no_punct_no_sw = [x for x in word_tokenized_no_punct if x not in it_stop_words]
print("3) Clean stop-words, num words: {} for list: {}".format(len(word_tokenized_no_punct_no_sw), word_tokenized_no_punct_no_sw))

# 4.1 lemmatize the words
word_tokenize_list_no_punct_lc_no_stowords_lemmatized = [lemmatize_word(x) for x in word_tokenized_no_punct_no_sw]
print("4.1) lemmatizer, num words: {} for list: {}".format(len(word_tokenize_list_no_punct_lc_no_stowords_lemmatized), word_tokenize_list_no_punct_lc_no_stowords_lemmatized))

# 4.2 snowball stemmer for Italian
word_tokenize_list_no_punct_lc_no_stowords_stem = [ita_stemmer.stem(i) for i in word_tokenized_no_punct_no_sw]
print("4.2) stemmer, num words: {} for list: {}".format(len(word_tokenize_list_no_punct_lc_no_stowords_stem), word_tokenize_list_no_punct_lc_no_stowords_stem))

# difference between stemmer and lemmatizer
    "For original word(s) '{}' and '{}' the stemmer: '{}' '{}' (count 1 each), the lemmatizer: '{}' '{}' (count 2)"


1) NLTK tokenizer, num words: 20 for list: ['Ieri', 'sono', 'andato', 'in', 'due', 'supermercati', '.', 'Oggi', 'volevo', 'andare', "all'ippodromo", '.', 'Stasera', 'mangio', 'la', 'pizza', 'con', 'le', 'verdure', '.']
2) Clean punctuation, num words: 17 for list: ['ieri', 'sono', 'andato', 'in', 'due', 'supermercati', 'oggi', 'volevo', 'andare', "all'ippodromo", 'stasera', 'mangio', 'la', 'pizza', 'con', 'le', 'verdure']
3) Clean stop-words, num words: 12 for list: ['ieri', 'andato', 'due', 'supermercati', 'oggi', 'volevo', 'andare', "all'ippodromo", 'stasera', 'mangio', 'pizza', 'verdure']
4.1) lemmatizer, num words: 12 for list: [u'ieri', u'andarsene', u'due', u'supermercato', u'oggi', u'volere', u'andare', u"all'ippodromo", u'stasera', u'mangiare', u'pizza', u'verdura']
4.2) stemmer, num words: 12 for list: [u'ier', u'andat', u'due', u'supermerc', u'oggi', u'vol', u'andar', u"all'ippodrom", u'staser', u'mang', u'pizz', u'verdur']
For original word(s) 'andato' and 'andare' the stemmer: 'andat' 'andar' (count 1 each), the lemmatizer: 'andarsene' 'andarsene' (count 2)


1) 据我所知,删除撇号的主要责任是分词器,因此 nltk 意大利分词器似乎失败了。

3) 你可以做的一件简单的事情就是调用 replace 方法(尽管你可能必须使用 re 包来获得更复杂的模式),例如:

word_tokenized_no_punct_no_sw_no_apostrophe = [x.split("'") for x in word_tokenized_no_punct_no_sw]
word_tokenized_no_punct_no_sw_no_apostrophe = [y for x in word_tokenized_no_punct_no_sw_no_apostrophe for y in x]


['ieri', 'andato', 'due', 'supermercati', 'oggi', 'volevo', 'andare', 'all', 'ippodromo', 'stasera', 'mangio', 'pizza', 'verdure']

2) 模式的替代方案是 treetagger,虽然它不是最简单的安装方式(您需要 python package and the tool itself,但是在这部分之后它可以在 windows 上运行和 Linux).


import treetaggerwrapper 
from pprint import pprint

it_string = "Ieri sono andato in due supermercati. Oggi volevo andare all'ippodromo. Stasera mangio la pizza con le verdure."
tagger = treetaggerwrapper.TreeTagger(TAGLANG="it")
tags = tagger.tag_text(it_string)

pprint 产生:

[Tag(word=u'Ieri', pos=u'ADV', lemma=u'ieri'),
 Tag(word=u'sono', pos=u'VER:pres', lemma=u'essere'),
 Tag(word=u'andato', pos=u'VER:pper', lemma=u'andare'),
 Tag(word=u'in', pos=u'PRE', lemma=u'in'),
 Tag(word=u'due', pos=u'ADJ', lemma=u'due'),
 Tag(word=u'supermercati', pos=u'NOM', lemma=u'supermercato'),
 Tag(word=u'.', pos=u'SENT', lemma=u'.'),
 Tag(word=u'Oggi', pos=u'ADV', lemma=u'oggi'),
 Tag(word=u'volevo', pos=u'VER:impf', lemma=u'volere'),
 Tag(word=u'andare', pos=u'VER:infi', lemma=u'andare'),
 Tag(word=u"all'", pos=u'PRE:det', lemma=u'al'),
 Tag(word=u'ippodromo', pos=u'NOM', lemma=u'ippodromo'),
 Tag(word=u'.', pos=u'SENT', lemma=u'.'),
 Tag(word=u'Stasera', pos=u'ADV', lemma=u'stasera'),
 Tag(word=u'mangio', pos=u'VER:pres', lemma=u'mangiare'),
 Tag(word=u'la', pos=u'DET:def', lemma=u'il'),
 Tag(word=u'pizza', pos=u'NOM', lemma=u'pizza'),
 Tag(word=u'con', pos=u'PRE', lemma=u'con'),
 Tag(word=u'le', pos=u'DET:def', lemma=u'il'),
 Tag(word=u'verdure', pos=u'NOM', lemma=u'verdura'),
 Tag(word=u'.', pos=u'SENT', lemma=u'.')]

在词形还原之前,它还很好地将 all'ippodromo 标记为 alippodromo(希望是正确的)。现在我们只需要应用删除停用词和标点符号就可以了。

The doc for installing the TreeTaggerWrapper python
