正在检索 cities/countries 的 latitude/longitude 坐标(此后已更改名称)?
Retrieving latitude/longitude coordinates for cities/countries that have since changed names?
locations <- c("Paris, France", "Sarajevo, Yugoslavia", "Rome, Italy", "Leningrad, Soviet Union", "St Petersburg, Russia")
问题是我不能使用 ggmap::geocode
ggmap::geocode(locations, source = "dsk")
lon lat
1 2.34880 48.85341 #Works for Paris
2 NA NA #Didn't work for Sarajevo
3 12.48390 41.89474 #Works for Rome
4 98.00000 60.00000 #Didn't work for the old name of St Petersburg seems to just get the center of Russia
5 30.26417 59.89444 #Worked for St Petersburg
我可以使用其他功能吗?如果我必须 "update" 城市和国家的名称,有没有一种简单的方法可以解决这个问题?我有数百个要收集经度和纬度坐标的位置。
这可能不是您想要的,但是如果您使用仅包含城市名称(而不是国家/地区)的完全相同的代码,至少您提到的两个案例(萨拉热窝和列宁格勒)似乎是工作正常。您可以尝试 运行 使用修改后的 locations
(cities <- gsub(',.*', '', locations))
## [1] "Paris" "Sarajevo" "Rome" "Leningrad" "St Petersburg"
cbind(ggmap::geocode(cities, source = 'dsk'), cities)
## lon lat cities
## 1 2.34880 48.85341 Paris
## 2 18.35644 43.84864 Sarajevo
## 3 12.48390 41.89474 Rome
## 4 30.26417 59.89444 Leningrad
## 5 30.26417 59.89444 St Petersburg
locations <- c("Paris, France", "Sarajevo, Yugoslavia", "Rome, Italy", "Leningrad, Soviet Union", "St Petersburg, Russia")
问题是我不能使用 ggmap::geocode
ggmap::geocode(locations, source = "dsk")
lon lat
1 2.34880 48.85341 #Works for Paris
2 NA NA #Didn't work for Sarajevo
3 12.48390 41.89474 #Works for Rome
4 98.00000 60.00000 #Didn't work for the old name of St Petersburg seems to just get the center of Russia
5 30.26417 59.89444 #Worked for St Petersburg
我可以使用其他功能吗?如果我必须 "update" 城市和国家的名称,有没有一种简单的方法可以解决这个问题?我有数百个要收集经度和纬度坐标的位置。
这可能不是您想要的,但是如果您使用仅包含城市名称(而不是国家/地区)的完全相同的代码,至少您提到的两个案例(萨拉热窝和列宁格勒)似乎是工作正常。您可以尝试 运行 使用修改后的 locations
(cities <- gsub(',.*', '', locations))
## [1] "Paris" "Sarajevo" "Rome" "Leningrad" "St Petersburg"
cbind(ggmap::geocode(cities, source = 'dsk'), cities)
## lon lat cities
## 1 2.34880 48.85341 Paris
## 2 18.35644 43.84864 Sarajevo
## 3 12.48390 41.89474 Rome
## 4 30.26417 59.89444 Leningrad
## 5 30.26417 59.89444 St Petersburg