在 C# 中使用 XmlReader 在 xml 段中查找值

Finding a value within an xml segment using XmlReader in C#

我正在使用 XML reader 来搜索我们使用的 xml 配置文件。我想找到某个键​​下的值,并能够更改它们或添加它们(如果它们不存在)。



到目前为止的代码...注释掉的位未在 'Test1'

XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create("C:\<path>\DBConfigs.xml");
    if (reader.ReadToDescendant("Key"))
        if (reader.Value == "Test1")
            Console.WriteLine("Found_1 {0}", reader.Value);
            // Doesn't work :( 
            // reader.Read();
            //if (reader.ReadToDescendant("Submit")) {
            //  Console.WriteLine("Value for Submit is {0}", reader.Value);

        if (reader.Value == "Test2")
            Console.WriteLine("Found_2 {0}", reader.Value);

        reader.Read(); //this moves reader to next node which is text 
        if (reader.ReadToDescendant("Full.2")) {
            Console.WriteLine("Found {0}", reader.Value);


但我想做的是找到并更改 'Submit' 或 'Amend' 等的值,或者如果没有条目 'Submit' 那么我将添加一个。

但首先我希望能够找到并更改 Test1 的值。

这是一种方法,使用 XDocument:

 string xml = @"

XDocument xdoc = XDocument.Parse(xml);
//search for  all nodes with <DBSimulatorConfiguration> element
var elements = xdoc.Root.Elements().Elements().Where(x => x.Name == "DBSimulatorConfiguration");
//iterate through all those eleemnt
foreach (var element in elements)
    //now find it's child named Submit
    var submitElement = element.Elements().FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == "Submit");
    //if such element is found
    if (submitElement != null)
        //here you can change Submit element, like this:
        // submitElement.Value = "abc";
        //or you can check for something
        if (submitElement.ElementsBeforeSelf().Any(x=> x.Name == "Key" && x.Value== "Test2"))
            //this is submitElement which is after element named Key with value Test2
            submitElement.Value = "some specific value";
        element.Add(new XElement("Submit", 999));


//search for  all nodes with <DBSimulatorConfiguration> element
string xml = "<path>.DBConfig.xml";
XDocument xdoc = XDocument.Load(xml);
var elements = xdoc.Root.Elements().Elements().Where(x => x.Name == "DBSimulatorConfiguration");
//iterate through all those eleemnt

foreach (var element in elements)
    //Console.WriteLine("Empty {0}", element.Value);
    //now find it's child named Submit
    var configKey = element.Elements().FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == "Key");
    var configSubmit = element.Elements().FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == "Submit");
    var configAmend = element.Elements().FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == "Amend");
    var configUpdate = element.Elements().FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == "Update");
    var configDelete = element.Elements().FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == "Delete");

    //if such element is found
    if (configSubmit != null)
        if (configKey.ElementsBeforeSelf().Any(x => x.Name == "Key" && x.Value == "Test1"))
            Console.WriteLine("Found Key for Test1 {0}", configKey.Value);
        if (configSubmit.ElementsBeforeSelf().Any(x => x.Name == "Key" && x.Value == "Test1"))
            configSubmit.Value = "1";
            Console.WriteLine("Submit value is updated to {0}", configSubmit.Value);        
        if (configAmend.ElementsBeforeSelf().Any(x => x.Name == "Key" && x.Value == "Test1"))
            Console.WriteLine("Amend value is: {0}", configAmend.Value);
        if (configUpdate.ElementsBeforeSelf().Any(x => x.Name == "Key" && x.Value == "Test1"))
            Console.WriteLine("Update value is: {0}", configUpdate.Value);
