从内存转储中获取详细信息 asp.net 缓存和会话详细信息

Getting the details asp.net cache and session details from memory dump

我的应用程序已经投入生产一段时间了,它有一些经典的 asp 和 asp.net 4.5 代码 运行。

环境:Windows 2008 R2 服务器 两台服务器,负载均衡,在 proc Session 中,内置来自 system.web namespace

的 http 缓存




--- Usage Summary ---------------- RgnCount ----------- Total Size -------- %ofBusy %ofTotal
Free                                    448          c9b0400 (   2.151 Gb)           78.79%
<unclassified>                         2150          21b4a0000 ( 1539.289 Mb)  62.06%   13.17%
Image                                  1367           d593000 ( 213.574 Mb)  24.58%    5.21%
Stack                                   354           7385000 ( 115.520 Mb)  13.29%    2.82%
TEB                                     118             76000 ( 472.000 kb)   0.05%    0.01%
ActivationContextData                     8              f000 (  60.000 kb)   0.01%    0.00%
CsrSharedMemory                           1              5000 (  20.000 kb)   0.00%    0.00%

--- Type Summary (for busy) ------ RgnCount ----------- Total Size -------- %ofBusy %ofTotal
MEM_PRIVATE                            1803          1f4b9000 ( 500.723 Mb)  57.63%   12.22%
MEM_IMAGE                              2116          121f0000 ( 289.938 Mb)  33.37%    7.08%
MEM_MAPPED                               79           4e43000 (  78.262 Mb)   9.01%    1.91%

--- State Summary ---------------- RgnCount ----------- Total Size -------- %ofBusy %ofTotal
MEM_FREE                                448          c9b04000 (   3.151 Gb)           78.79%
MEM_COMMIT                             3151          23a5d0000 ( 1570.363 Mb)  65.64%   13.93%
MEM_RESERVE                             847          12a8f000 ( 298.559 Mb)  34.36%    7.29%

--- Protect Summary (for commit) - RgnCount ----------- Total Size -------- %ofBusy %ofTotal
PAGE_EXECUTE_READ                       259           f091000 ( 240.566 Mb)  27.69%    5.87%
PAGE_READWRITE                         1377           c80f000 ( 200.059 Mb)  23.02%    4.88%
PAGE_READONLY                           679           4657000 (  70.340 Mb)   8.10%    1.72%
PAGE_READWRITE|PAGE_WRITECOMBINE         17           2016000 (  32.086 Mb)   3.69%    0.78%
PAGE_WRITECOPY                          311            e9f000 (  14.621 Mb)   1.68%    0.36%
PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE                  212            921000 (   9.129 Mb)   1.05%    0.22%
PAGE_READWRITE|PAGE_GUARD               236            239000 (   2.223 Mb)   0.26%    0.05%
PAGE_EXECUTE_WRITECOPY                   60            157000 (   1.340 Mb)   0.15%    0.03%

--- Largest Region by Usage ----------- Base Address -------- Region Size ----------
Free                                        80010000          7fde6000 (   1.998 Gb)
<unclassified>                               25b0000           1d78000 (  29.469 Mb)
Image                                       61feb000            f4b000 (  15.293 Mb)
Stack                                         ce0000             fd000 (1012.000 kb)
TEB                                         ffdf8000              1000 (   4.000 kb)
ActivationContextData                          50000              4000 (  16.000 kb)
CsrSharedMemory                             7efe0000              5000 (  20.000 kb)

我已经计算出 GC 堆和地址数据并显示大量内存使用

0:000> !eeheap -stat

Number of GC Heaps: 1
generation 0 starts at 0x273de070
generation 1 starts at 0x273a1000
generation 2 starts at 0x025b1000
ephemeral segment allocation context: none
 segment     begin  allocated      size
025b0000  025b1000  035aff50  0xffef50(167729448)
0ea00000  0ea01000  0f9ffd20  0xffed20(167723848)
19a20000  19a21000  1aa1fe54  0xffee54(167726928)
2a750000  2a751000  2b6fb10c  0xfaa10c(164252288)
263a0000  263a1000  26df1224  0xa50224(108139888)
273a0000  273a1000  274a4c70  0x103c70(10640488)
Large object heap starts at 0x035b1000
 segment     begin  allocated      size
035b0000  035b1000  04307138  0xd56138(139840568)
1dc60000  1dc61000  1e580050  0x91f050(95642408)
20490000  20491000  206cc878  0x23b878(23409848)
Total Size:              Size: 0x63ab464 (104510564) bytes.
GC Heap Size:    Size: 0x63ab46445 (1045105648) bytes.

还有 dumpheap 统计信息(它没有显示一个特定对象使用了所有内存,而是显示了很多对象(我的猜测)

05ef4e70     1615       516800 DevExpress.XtraEditors.ViewInfo.TextEditViewInfo   
66418298    11091       763524 System.Windows.EffectiveValueEntry[]
7219a874    24397       780704 System.EventHandler
7219f680    10866       918152 System.Int32[]
6592dc98     9502       932360 System.Xaml.XamlNode[]
05ab1bf4     7180      1091360 DevExpress.Utils.AppearanceObject
05ffd498     2010      1101480 Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.UltraGridColumn
72198390    19429      1165740 System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo
721a12a4     4261      1199184 System.Collections.Hashtable+bucket[]
7219dc28    23649      1474820 System.Object[]
721a2518    13502      7978588 System.Byte[]
7219d834   237668     15219668 System.String
003aa9b0    45181     37740118      Free
Total 1282570 objects
Fragmented blocks larger than 0.5 MB:
    Addr     Size      Followed by
2b3cc938    0.5MB         2b454220 DevExpress.Xpo.Helpers.ObjectRecord
2b454248    0.8MB         2b5295d8 DevExpress.Xpo.Helpers.ObjectRecord 
2b6680b0    0.6MB         2b6f9e18 DevExpress.Utils.AppearanceObject

请注意,从上面的命令我 removed/edited 一些对象名称(因为它是公司特定的,但我认为你有整体的想法)

我们在会话和缓存中存储了大量数据,想检查一下为 asp.net 缓存和会话数据存储了多少数据。查看此内容的最佳方式是什么?

You can use the MEX.dll extension with Full memory dump and windbg.

然后您可以 运行 命令 AspNetCache -stats 和 AspNetCache -nosession

0:000> **!AspNetCache -stats**
# Items Type Name
======= =====================================================
     15 ABC.Core.Services.Cache.NewDataCache
Total Entries: 25

0:000> !AspNetCache -nosession
CacheItem: 0eca63dc
Key:       0ec9370c  "rfq" [3] (System.String)
Value:     0ec93bf0 (App.Core.Services.Cache.NewDataCache)

CacheItem: 0eca6948
Key:       0ec93720  "contriInstrument" [16] (System.String)
Value:     0eca647c (App.Core.Services.Cache.ContriInstrumentCache)

CacheItem: 0eca6e5c
Key:       0ec93750  "alarmSetting" [12] (System.String)
Value:     0eca6990 (App.Core.Services.Cache.ContriInstruAlarmSettingCache)

CacheItem: 0eca7898
Key:       0ec93778  "contribAlarm" [12] (System.String)
Value:     0eca6ec0 (App.Core.Services.Cache.NewDataCache)

CacheItem: 0eca82c8
Key:       0ec937a0  "contribIndicator" [16] (System.String)
Value:     0eca78fc (App.Core.Services.Cache.NewDataCache)

然后你有 !DumpAspNetSession 命令,它将转储所有会话 details.here 的帮助

:000> !mex.dumpaspnetsession -?
!DumpAspNetSession - Prints information on ASP.NET InProc Sessions

    !DumpAspNetSession -id <sessionid> 
        -id <sessionid>    : Displays detailed information for the session with the specified id

    !DumpAspNetSession {-locked2 | -locked} 
        -locked2    : Alternate presentation for -locked
        -locked     : Displays all ASP.NET sessions that are polling for an exclusive lock

    !DumpAspNetSession -ctx <httpContext> 
        -ctx <httpContext>    : Displays detailed information for the session associated with an HttpContext

    !DumpAspNetSession [<addr>] 
        addr    : Displays detailed information for the specified session

        Displays all In-Proc ASP.NET sessions

    !DumpAspNetSession [-?|-h] 
        -?|-h|-help    : Display this help text