如何在 DryIoc Mvc 控制器中注册 IEnumerable<IService>,如 Autofac Enumeration (IEnumerable<B>, IList<B>, ICollection<B>)

How to register IEnumerable<IService> In DryIoc Mvc Controller like Autofac Enumeration (IEnumerable<B>, IList<B>, ICollection<B>)

使用 Autofac 测试代码正常,但使用 DryIoc 时出错。如何使这项工作。

public class HomeController : Controller
            private readonly ITestAppService _testAppService;
            private readonly IEnumerable<ITestAppService> _testAppServiceList;
            public HomeController(ITestAppService testAppService, IEnumerable<ITestAppService> testAppServiceList)
                _testAppService = testAppService;
                _testAppServiceList = testAppServiceList;
public class Test1AppService : ITestAppService{}
public class Test2AppService : ITestAppService{}
public interface ITestAppService: IAppService{}

错误 'Make sure that the controller has a parameterless public constructor ' 是由控制器中的 ITestAppService 字段引起的,而不是字段 IEnumerable.Following 是我的注册码。

var impls =
                .Where(type =>
                type.IsPublic && 
                !type.IsAbstract && 
                type.GetInterfaces().Length != 0 && typeof(IAppService).IsAssignableFrom(type));

            foreach (var type in impls)
                container.Register(type.GetInterfaces().First(), type, Reuse.Transient);



DryIoc.IContainer container = new DryIoc.Container(
                rules =>
                    return rules.WithFactorySelector(Rules.SelectLastRegisteredFactory())

关于从多个默认服务中解析 的 dryioc wiki 可能需要一些更新。 Rules.SelectLastRegisteredFactory是一种方法。

问题是考虑 ITestAppService 容器 doesn't know which to select for the first dependency 的两个实现。但是您可以明确定义约定:

var container = new Container(rules => rules