如何将 R 树状图中的分支着色为其中 类 的函数?

How to color branches in R dendogram as a function of the classes in it?

我希望可视化聚类算法的效果(使用特定的距离度量)。我有样本及其相应的 classes。 为了可视化,我聚类并且我希望通过聚类中的项目为树状图的分​​支着色。颜色将是层次集群中 most 项目对应的颜色(由 data\classes 给出)。

示例:如果我的聚类算法选择索引 1、21、24 作为某个集群(在某个级别),并且我有一个 csv 文件,其中每一行都包含一个 class 数字,对应于假设1,2,1。我希望这条边的颜色为 1.


dir <- 'distance_metrics/'
filename <- 'aligned.csv'
my.data <- read.csv(paste(dir, filename, sep=""), header = T, row.names = 1)
my.dist <- as.dist(my.data)
real.clusters <-read.csv("clusters", header = T, row.names = 1)
clustered <- diana(my.dist)
# dend <- colour_branches(???dend, max(real.clusters)???)

编辑: 另一个示例部分代码

dir <- 'distance_metrics/' # csv in here contains a symmetric matrix
clust.dir <- "clusters/" #csv in here contains a column vector with classes
my.data <- read.csv(paste(dir, filename, sep=""), header = T, row.names = 1)
filename <- 'table.csv'
my.dist <- as.dist(my.data)
real.clusters <-read.csv(paste(clust.dir, filename, sep=""), header = T, row.names = 1)
clustered <- diana(my.dist)
dnd <- as.dendrogram(clustered)

有人怀疑误解了问题,但我会尽力回答: 我之前的目标被iris

clrs <- rainbow(n = 3) # create palette
clrs <- clrs[iris$Species] # assign colors
plot(x = iris$Sepal.Length,y = iris$Sepal.Width,col=clrs) # simple test colors
# cluster
dt <- cbind(iris,clrs)
dt <- dt[sample(x = 1:150,size = 50,replace = F),] # create short dataset for visualization convenience
empty.labl <- gsub("."," ",dt$Species) # create a space vector with length of names intended for  reserve place to future text labels
dst <- dist(x = scale(dt[,1:4]),method = "manhattan")
hcl <- hclust(d = dst,method = "complete")
plot(hcl,hang=-1,cex=1,labels = empty.labl, xlab = NA,sub=NA)
dt <- dt[hcl$order,] # sort rows for  order objects in dendrogramm
text(x = seq(nrow(dt)), y=-.5,labels = dt$Species,srt=90,cex=.8,xpd=NA,adj=c(1,0.7),col=as.character(dt$clrs))

可以使用 dendrapply 在 "dendrogram" 对象(只是深度嵌套的列表)上递归设置节点和边缘颜色属性。 cluster 包还具有 "diana" class 对象的 as.dendrogram 方法,因此对象类型之间的转换是无缝的。使用您的 diana 聚类并从@Edvardoss iris 示例中借用一些代码,您可以按如下方式创建彩色树状图:

iris2 <- iris[sample(x = 1:150,size = 50,replace = F),]
clust <- diana(iris2)
dnd <- as.dendrogram(clust)

## Duplicate rownames aren't allowed, so we need to set the "labels"
## attributes recursively. We also label inner nodes here. 
rectify_labels <- function(node, df){
  newlab <- df$Species[unlist(node, use.names = FALSE)]
  attr(node, "label") <- (newlab)
dnd <- dendrapply(dnd, rectify_labels, df = iris2)

## Create a color palette as a data.frame with one row for each spp
uniqspp <- as.character(unique(iris$Species))
colormap <- data.frame(Species = uniqspp, color = rainbow(n = length(uniqspp)))
colormap[, 2] <- c("red", "blue", "green")

## Now color the inner dendrogram edges
color_dendro <- function(node, colormap){
    nodecol <- colormap$color[match(attr(node, "label"), colormap$Species)]
    attr(node, "nodePar") <- list(pch = NA, lab.col = nodecol)
    attr(node, "edgePar") <- list(col = nodecol)
    spp <- attr(node, "label")
    dominantspp <- levels(spp)[which.max(tabulate(spp))]
    edgecol <- colormap$color[match(dominantspp, colormap$Species)]
    attr(node, "edgePar") <- list(col = edgecol)
dnd <- dendrapply(dnd, color_dendro, colormap = colormap)

## Plot the dendrogram

您正在寻找的函数是来自 dendextend R 包的 color_brances,使用参数 clusters 和 col。这是一个示例(基于 Shaun Wilkinson 的示例):

iris2 <- iris[sample(x = 1:150,size = 50,replace = F),]
clust <- diana(iris2)
dend <- as.dendrogram(clust)

temp_col <- c("red", "blue", "green")[as.numeric(iris2$Species)]
temp_col <- temp_col[order.dendrogram(dend)]
temp_col <- factor(temp_col, unique(temp_col))

dend %>% color_branches(clusters = as.numeric(temp_col), col = levels(temp_col)) %>% 
   set("labels_colors", as.character(temp_col)) %>% 