使用 PCFMessageAgent(host, port, channel) 构造函数时如何指定队列管理器?

How to specify a queue manager when using PCFMessageAgent(host, port, channel) constructor?

我正在使用 MQ Java PCF API 从 MQ 安装中检索信息。 class PCFMessageAgent 有几个构造函数。 有一个接受 hostportchannel 名称。我已经展示了文档的摘录。

public PCFMessageAgent(String host,
                       int port,
                       String channel)
                throws MQException
Initializes a new PCFMessageAgent with a client connection to a queue manager.


无需指定队列管理器,只要指定主机和端口即可。 您将连接到监听该端口的那个。

更新,来自 IBM 文档:

A server connection channel is a bidirectional MQI channel that is used to connect a IBM WebSphere MQ client to a IBM WebSphere MQ server. The server connection channel is the server end of the channel.

A client connection channel is a bidirectional MQI channel that is used to connect a IBM WebSphere MQ client to a IBM WebSphere MQ server. IBM WebSphere MQ Explorer also uses client connections to connect to remote queue managers. The client connection channel is the client end of the channel. When you create a client-connection channel, a file is created on the computer that hosts the queue manager. You must then, copy the client-connection file to the IBM WebSphere MQ Client computer.
