Github Flavored Markdown 表格呈现为纯文本或垂直分隔符出现在内容中

Github Flavored Markdown Tables are rendered as plain text or vertical separator appears in content

我正在为 Github 上的一个扩展写 README


**Filled tests:**

id | name
-- | ----------------
1  | Common test
2  | Programming test

**Filled questions:**

id | test_id | content                             | is_active | Current position
-- | ------- | ----------------------------------- | --------- | ----------------
1  | l       | What's your name?                   | 1         | 1
2  | 1       | What's your age?                    | 1         | 2
3  | 1       | What's your favorite dish?          | 1         | 3
4  | 1       | What's your hobby?                  | 1         | 4
5  | 1       | What's your favorite sport?         | 1         | 5
6  | 2       | What's you programming experience?  | 1         | 1
7  | 2       | What language you use to code?      | 1         | 2
8  | 2       | What DBMS you have experience with? | 1         | 3
9  | 2       | What VCS you have experience with?  | 1         | 4
10 | 2       | Do you use CSS preprocessors?       | 1         | 5




**Filled tests:**

id | name
1  | Common test
2  | Programming test

但我注意到在某些行的第二列中 1 显示为 |,因此我决定将其更改为与文档中的完全相同。

space 或 header 长度有任何限制吗?



我还尝试在 id 列的末尾添加额外的 space(认为可能太短)。

**Filled tests:**

id  | name
--- | ----------------
1   | Common test
2   | Programming test


表格显示正确,但在某些单元格的第二列 (test_id) 中 1 再次显示为 |

我检查了生成的 html 那里有 1


我联系了 Github 支持,现在问题已解决。

1) 至于将 table 渲染为纯文本,您至少需要为列使用 3 个连字符:

**Filled tests:**

id  | name
--- | ----------------
1   | Common test
2   | Programming test


2)至于在"test_id"列的某些单元格中显示垂直分隔符:实际上不是|,它很小L字母 - l。看起来很相似,即使经过仔细检查也没有注意到。用 1 替换后,一切都显示正常。