如何使用 aiosmtpd 正确支持 STARTTLS?

How do I properly support STARTTLS with aiosmtpd?

我几乎直接从 aiosmtpd 文档中获取了以下服务器:

import asyncio
import ssl
from aiosmtpd.controller import Controller

class ExampleHandler:
    async def handle_RCPT(self, server, session, envelope, address, rcpt_options):
        if not address.endswith('@example.com'):
            return '550 not relaying to that domain'
        return '250 OK'

    async def handle_DATA(self, server, session, envelope):
        print(f'Message from {envelope.mail_from}')
        print(f'Message for {envelope.rcpt_tos}')
        print(f'Message data:\n{envelope.content.decode("utf8", errors="replace")}')
        print('End of message')
        return '250 Message accepted for delivery'

context = ssl.create_default_context(ssl.Purpose.CLIENT_AUTH)
controller = Controller(ExampleHandler(), port=8026, ssl_context=context)

input('Press enter to stop')

但是,当我启动此服务器并尝试使用 swaks 向其发送电子邮件时:

echo 'Testing' | swaks --to wayne@example.com --from "something@example.org" --server localhost --port 8026 -tls

30秒后超时。如果我从服务器删除 ssl_context=context 并从客户端删除 -tls 然后它发送邮件正常。

此外,当我尝试通过 telnet 连接并发送 EHLO whatever 时,服务器实际上关闭了连接。

实现支持 tls 的 aiosmtpd 服务器的正确方法是什么?

我很接近。我从我可以通过 telnet 连接的事实中得出结论,但是 EHLO hostname 会断开连接,因为服务器正试图提前要求 TLS 连接。

当我检查 swaks --help 时,我发现有一个稍微不同的选项可能会满足我的要求:

--tlsc, --tls-on-connect
    Initiate a TLS connection immediately on connection.  Following common convention,
    if this option is specified the default port changes from 25 to 465, though this can
    still be overridden with the --port option.


$ echo 'Testing' | swaks --to wayne@example.com --from "something@example.com" --server localhost --port 8026 -tlsc
=== Trying localhost:8026...
=== Connected to localhost.
*** TLS startup failed (connect(): error:00000000:lib(0):func(0):reason(0))

通过仔细阅读 Python ssl 文档,我注意到 load_cert_chain method. It turned out that this was exactly what I needed. Following these instructions 我生成了一个完全不安全的自签名证书:

openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout key.pem -out cert.pem -days 365 -nodes -subj '/CN=localhost'


context.load_cert_chain('cert.pem', 'key.pem')

现在我可以发送电子邮件了。对于 懒惰好奇的人,这里是整个服务器代码:

import asyncio
import ssl
from aiosmtpd.controller import Controller

class ExampleHandler:
    async def handle_RCPT(self, server, session, envelope, address, rcpt_options):
        if not address.endswith('@example.com'):
            return '550 not relaying to that domain'
        return '250 OK'

    async def handle_DATA(self, server, session, envelope):
        print(f'Message from {envelope.mail_from}')
        print(f'Message for {envelope.rcpt_tos}')
        print(f'Message data:\n{envelope.content.decode("utf8", errors="replace")}')
        print('End of message')
        return '250 Message accepted for delivery'

context = ssl.create_default_context(ssl.Purpose.CLIENT_AUTH)
context.load_cert_chain('cert.pem', 'key.pem')
controller = Controller(ExampleHandler(), port=8026, ssl_context=context)

input('Press enter to stop')


echo 'Testing' | swaks --to someone@example.com --from "someone_else@example.org" --server localhost --port 8026 -tlsc

基于 Wayne 自己的回答,以下是使用 aiosmtpd 创建 STARTTLS 服务器的方法。

1。创建 SSL 上下文

为了测试,请使用以下命令为 localhost 生成自签名证书:

openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout key.pem -out cert.pem -days 365 -nodes -subj '/CN=localhost'

使用 ssl 模块将其加载到 Python 中:

import ssl
context = ssl.create_default_context(ssl.Purpose.CLIENT_AUTH)
context.load_cert_chain('cert.pem', 'key.pem')

2。将 SSL 上下文传递给 aiosmtpd

创建 aiosmtpd 控制器的子类,将此上下文作为 tls_context 传递给 SMTP:

from aiosmtpd.smtp import SMTP
from aiosmtpd.controller import Controller

class ControllerTls(Controller):
    def factory(self):
        return SMTP(self.handler, require_starttls=True, tls_context=context)

3。 运行它

使用处理程序实例化此控制器并启动它。在这里,我使用 aiosmtpd 自己的 Debugging 处理程序:

from aiosmtpd.handlers import Debugging
controller = ControllerTls(Debugging(), port=1025)
input('Press enter to stop')


配置本地邮件客户端发送到 localhost:1025,或使用 swaks:

swaks -tls -t test --server localhost:1025

... 或在发出初始 STARTTLS 命令后使用 openssl s_client 与服务器对话:

openssl s_client -crlf -CAfile cert.pem -connect localhost:1025 -starttls smtp


下面的代码还使用 swaks 测试服务器,它还展示了如何创建 TLS-on-connect 服务器(如 Wayne 的回答)。

import os
import ssl
import subprocess
from aiosmtpd.smtp import SMTP
from aiosmtpd.controller import Controller
from aiosmtpd.handlers import Debugging

# Create cert and key if they don't exist
if not os.path.exists('cert.pem') and not os.path.exists('key.pem'):
    subprocess.call('openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout key.pem -out cert.pem ' +
                    '-days 365 -nodes -subj "/CN=localhost"', shell=True)

# Load SSL context
context = ssl.create_default_context(ssl.Purpose.CLIENT_AUTH)
context.load_cert_chain('cert.pem', 'key.pem')

# Pass SSL context to aiosmtpd
class ControllerStarttls(Controller):
    def factory(self):
        return SMTP(self.handler, require_starttls=True, tls_context=context)

# Start server
controller = ControllerStarttls(Debugging(), port=1025)
# Test using swaks (if available)
subprocess.call('swaks -tls -t test --server localhost:1025', shell=True)
input('Running STARTTLS server. Press enter to stop.\n')

# Alternatively: Use TLS-on-connect
controller = Controller(Debugging(), port=1025, ssl_context=context)
# Test using swaks (if available)
subprocess.call('swaks -tlsc -t test --server localhost:1025', shell=True)
input('Running TLSC server. Press enter to stop.\n')