在 App Engine Java Servlet 中查询数据存储区统计信息时出现 NullpointerException

NullpointerException while querying for the Datastore statistics in App Engine Java Servlet

在我的应用程序的 Servlet 中,我想控制它的数据存储是否为空(我第一次 运行 servlet 它将是空的,但现在情况并非如此,因为我已经填充了它并使其持久化),然后再继续其余的代码。在这个 Datastore Docs 中,我发现了一种查询数据存储和获取不同类型统计信息的方法。 但是在执行时:

DatastoreService datastore = DatastoreServiceFactory.getDatastoreService();
Entity globalStat = datastore.prepare(new Query("__Stat_Total__")).asSingleEntity();
Long totalBytes = (Long) globalStat.getProperty("bytes");
Long totalEntities = (Long) globalStat.getProperty("count");

当我尝试存储两个 Long 变量时,我得到一个 NullPointerException。 为什么查询后Entity globalStat对象为null?

编辑 1:附加信息

我试图在用 List<Entity> 个实体填充后立即获取数据存储统计信息:

public class MyServlet extends HttpServlet {
    ArrayList<Tour> m_tours = new ArrayList<Tour>();
    Key tourKey;
    DatastoreService datastore = DatastoreServiceFactory.getDatastoreService();

    //.... some code
    private DatastoreService populateDatastore(){
        //... some other code ...
        List<Entity> List = Arrays.asList(tour,tour1,tour2,tour3,
        Entity globalStat = datastore.prepare(
                             new Query("__Stat_Total__")).asSingleEntity();

            Long totalEntities = (Long) globalStat.getProperty("count");
            Long totalBytes = (Long) globalStat.getProperty("bytes");
        }catch (NullPointerException e){

仅此说明实体 globalstat 对象在调试工具中仍然显示为空:

当我用多个实体填充数据存储时,为什么 new Query("__Stat_Total__")).asSingleEntity(); 没有产生任何结果?

ANSWER: as reported here: Using App Engine Datastore Low Level API with Java, "Stat_Total" and "Stat_Kind" don't work in a local development server. They only work when deployed in App Engine Server.