Braintree 支付网关 - 获取客户的订阅详细信息

Braintree payment gateway - Get customer's subscriptions details

我在 Rails 应用程序中使用 Braintree 支付网关。我想知道我是否可以从中检索客户的订阅详细信息。根据文档,其中一种方法是 subscription = Braintree::Subscription.find(id)

创建订阅时,plan_idamount 等基本对象被保存到数据库中。那么,如何检索与客户关联的订阅信息,例如 next_billing_date

假设您有一个订阅 ID:

# Find the subscription
subscription = Braintree::Subscription.find(sub_id)

# Access the subscription's next billing date

Braintree::Subscription.find() returns a Braintree::Subscription result object.

假设您有一个客户 ID:

# Find the customer
customer = Braintree::Customer.find(cust_id)

# Retrieve the customer's first payment method
pm = customer.payment_methods.first

# Retrieve the subscriptions created with that payment method
subscriptions = pm.subscriptions

# Access the subscription's next billing date

Braintree::Customer.find() returns a Braintree::Customer response object. The customer's payment methods can then be retrieved. Subscriptions are associated to payment methods. Once you have a payment method, you can retrieve an array of Braintree::Subscription objects.