PayPal IPN 回调仅允许在 https 域上使用?

PayPal IPN callbacks only allowed on a https domains?

我正在尝试让我的第一个 IPN 侦听器将我的网站与 PayPal 连接起来,以便在 IPN 上执行不同的操作。

我在文档中看到 "PayPal no longer supports HTTP for post backs" (more details). Does it mean my site (with the ipn listener script have to be on https domain or does only mean i have to send my verify callback to paypal's "" adress and not to ""?

正如我在文档中提到的,您应该仅使用 https 调用 PayPal 端点。 (否则您的请求将被拒绝) 您的站点不需要 SSL 证书。