
Prime factorization program

这是我的第一个 Erlang 程序。我的代码需要帮助。我刚刚了解到我不能在 guards 中调用函数,所以我尝试在我的 factor/3 辅助函数中实现 "case"。代码编译,但出现以下错误:

***异常错误:计算算术表达式时出错 在函数程序中:factor/3(program.erl,第 24 行) *

  -export([first/1, isProduct/1, factor/1]).

  %returns the first prime factor of the parameter(an integer greater than    1) passed to the function
  first(Num) -> first(Num, 2). 

  %private helper function for first(Num)
  first(Num, Count) when (Num rem Count) == 0 -> Count;
  first(Num, Count) -> Count = Count + 1,
  first(Num, Count).

  %returns the prime factorization of Num as a list of prime numbers
  factor(Num) -> factor(Num, Num, 1, [Rest, first(Num)])

  %helper function for factor(Num)
  factor(Num, StaticNum, Count, [First|Rest]) when Count == StaticNum -> [First, Rest];  
  factor(Num, StaticNum, Count, [First|Rest]) ->
  factor(Num div lists:last([Rest]), StaticNum, (Count * [Rest]), [Rest|first(Num div lists:last([Rest])])).



first(Num) when Num >1,is_integer(Num) ->{ok,factor(Num,2)};
first(Num)-> {err,Num}.

factor(Num,Count) when Count>Num+1->[];
factor(Num,Count)->case Num rem Count of
                     0->[Count|factor(Num div Count,Count)];



first(Num, Count) ->
    Count = Count + 1,
    first(Num, Count).

变量不可变!你不能这样做,但你可以用新参数调用 first/2:

first(Num, Count) ->
    first(Num, Count+1).


%returns the product of factors-in-a-list. 
isProduct([]) -> 0;
isProduct([First|Rest]) -> First * isProduct(Rest).

此函数总是 return 0,因为它总是以检测到空列表结束。你应该写 isProduct([]) -> 1;

当你找到最后一个因素时,你将它插入到列表中,语法错误:使用 [First|Rest]; 而不是 [First, Rest];

当你要迭代时,第一个参数是当前剩余的Num,所以下一步应该是Num/Next with Next = first(Num)。注意语法中 [First|Rest] First 是一个元素(这里是一个整数),而 Rest 是一个列表,不能使用列表进行算术运算。

最后,你想在素数列表中添加一个新元素,它将是 Next = first(Num),你必须将它放在列表的顶部并继续 Num div Next(这适用第一次调用 factor/3)



  %returns the first prime factor of the parameter(an integer greater than    1) passed to the function
  first(1) -> 1;
  first(Num) -> first(Num, 2). 

  %private helper function for first(Num)
  first(Num, Count) when (Num rem Count) == 0 -> Count;
  first(Num, Count) -> first(Num, Count+1).

  %returns the product of factors-in-a-list. 
  isProduct([]) -> 1;
  isProduct([First|Rest]) -> First * isProduct(Rest).

  %returns the prime factorization of Num as a list of prime numbers
  factor(Num) when is_integer(Num), Num > 0 ->
    First = first(Num),
    factor(Num div First, Num,[First]).

  %helper function for factor(Num)
  factor(Num, StaticNum, [First|Rest]) ->
    case isProduct([First|Rest]) == StaticNum of 
      true -> [First|Rest];
      false -> 
          Next = first(Num),
          factor(Num div Next, StaticNum, [Next,First|Rest])

你的版本没有优化,因为你每次都先在 2 重新启动(当有很多素数时很重要)并且停止条件没有优化(当有一些 "big" 素数时很重要)。我会这样写:

decomp(N) when is_integer(N), (N > 0) -> 

decomp(N,R,I) when I*I > N -> [N|R];
decomp(N,R,I) when (N rem I) =:= 0 -> decomp(N div I,[I|R],I);
decomp(N,R,2) -> decomp(N,R,3);
decomp(N,R,I) -> decomp(N,R,I+2).

这是使用计时器测量的 2 个版本的结果:tc/3(在 windows 7 上),执行时间的差异很大,这个例子快了 15000 多倍:

2> timer:tc(program,factor,[1234567893200]).
3> timer:tc(program,decomp,[1234567893200]).