访问 ArrayList 中的特定元素

Accessing specific elements in an ArrayList

我正在创建一个程序来将客人添加到聚会中。来宾的最大数量设置为 3。我的程序正确输出了 3 位来宾。


如您在我的 Party2Driver 中所见,我调用了 "addGuest" 方法 5 次。由于我将 maxGuests 设置为 3,程序正确地将前 3 个名字添加到列表中。但是如何输出未添加到列表中的最后两个名字?

我希望它显示类似 "blank and blank" 的内容,因为来宾列表已满,所以未添加到列表中。

每次我尝试使用 "get method" 访问那些 ArrrayList 元素时,它都会抛出 OutOutBoundException。


import java.util.ArrayList;

public class Party2Driver
 public static void main(String[] args)

      Party2 party = new Party2(3, "David Beckham");
      party.addGuest("Roberto Baggio");
      party.addGuest("Zinedine Zidane");
      party.addGuest("Roberto Baggio");
      party.addGuest("Johan Cruyff");
      party.addGuest("Diego Maradona");

    } // end main

}//end Party2Driver

这是派对 2 Class 我的方法:

import java.util.ArrayList;

public class Party2
    // instance variables that will hold your data
    // private indicates they belong to this class exclusively
    private int maxGuests;
    private String host;
    private ArrayList<String> guests;

    public Party2(int maxGuests, String host)
        System.out.println("Maximum number of guests: " + maxGuests + ".  Guest list for " + host + "'s party. \n");
        this.guests = new ArrayList<String>();
        this.maxGuests = maxGuests;
        this.host = host;

    // define type of data to be returned
    public String getHost()
        System.out.println("Setting host to: " + host);
        return host;

    // setters have type void b/c they return nothing
    public void setHost(String host)
        System.out.println("Setting host to: " + host);
        this.host = host;

    //Method to add to guest list
    public void addGuest(String guest)

        if (guests.size() < maxGuests)
            System.out.println("Guest: " + guest + "\n");

            System.out.println("     Guest cannot be added. Guest list is full. \n");
        }//end if

    }//end method

    //Method to print party
    public void printParty()
        System.out.println("Guest list for " +
        this.host + "'s party is: \n\n" +
        this.guests + ".\n");

    } // end Print Party method

    }//end class party

创建第二个名为 rejectedGuests 的 ArrayList,每当客人被拒绝时,将他们添加到该列表中。然后放一个 getter 方法来检索列表。从那里它只是一个简单的 String.format() 调用和一个 println() 语句。

添加 extraGuest 字段:

private ArrayList<String> extraGuest; 

在 addGuest(guest) 方法的 else 块中添加 extraGuest。

import java.util.ArrayList;

public class Party2
 // instance variables that will hold your data
 // private indicates they belong to this class exclusively
 private int maxGuests;
 private String host;
 private ArrayList<String> guests;
 private ArrayList<String> extraGuest;

 public Party2(int maxGuests, String host)
    System.out.println("Maximum number of guests: " + maxGuests + ".  Guest list for " + host + "'s party. \n");
    this.guests = new ArrayList<String>();
    this.extraGuest = new ArrayList<String>();
    this.maxGuests = maxGuests;
    this.host = host;

 // define type of data to be returned
 public String getHost()
    System.out.println("Setting host to: " + host);
    return host;

 // setters have type void b/c they return nothing
 public void setHost(String host)
    System.out.println("Setting host to: " + host);
    this.host = host;

 //Method to add to guest list
 public void addGuest(String guest)

    if (guests.size() < maxGuests)
        System.out.println("Guest: " + guest + "\n");

        System.out.println("     Guest cannot be added. Guest list is full. \n");
    }//end if

 }//end method

 //Method to print party
 public void printParty()
    System.out.println("Guest list for " +
    this.host + "'s party is: \n\n" +
    this.guests + ".\n");

    System.out.println(extraGuest+"weren't added to the list because the guest list is full");

 } // end Print Party method

}//end class party