为什么 Cassandra 用于 Kong Api 网关

Why Cassandra is used for Kong Api Gateway

Kong 使用 Cassandra 或 Postgres。 Cassandra 以写重 application.I 着称,没看到 Kong api 网关是写重那么多,也是 none 的 table 使用 Cassandra 的重要功能分区键之一。我的疑问是为什么 Cassandra 用于 Kong,有什么具体原因吗?我们不能使用 RDBMS 来实现这一目标吗?

根据 https://getkong.org/about/faq/#which-datastores-are-supported

上的 Kong 常见问题解答


It is a good candidate if the setup you are aiming at is not distributed


Kong can use Cassandra as its primary datastore if you are aiming at a distributed, high-availability Kong setup. The two main reasons why one would chose Cassandra as Kong's datastore are: - An ease to create a distributed setup (ideal for multi-region). - Ease to scale