如何使用 LWP::UserAgent 在 BOX API 中发出 post 请求?

How to make the post request in BOX API using LWP::UserAgent?


my $url = "https://api.box.com/2.0/users/";

use strict;
use warnings;

use LWP::UserAgent; 
use HTTP::Request::Common qw{ POST };
use CGI;

my $ua      = LWP::UserAgent->new();
my $request = POST( $url, [ 'name' => 'mkhun', 'is_platform_access_only' => 'true',"Authorization" => "Bearer <ACC TOK>" ] );
my $content = $ua->request($request)->as_string();

my $cgi = CGI->new();
print $cgi->header(), $content;

上面的代码总是给出 400 错误。并投掷

{"type":"error","status":400,"code":"bad_request","context_info":{"errors":[{"reason":"invalid_parameter","name":"entity-body","message":"Invalid value 'is_platform_access_only=true&Authorization=Bearer+WcpZasitJWVDQ87Vs1OB9dQedRVyOrs6&name=mkhun'. Entity body should be a correctly nested resource attribute name\/value pair"}]},

我不知道是什么问题。 Linux curl 同样的事情正在起作用。

curl https://api.box.com/2.0/users \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>" \
-d '{"name": "Ned Stark", "is_platform_access_only": true}' \

Box API documentation says:

Both request body data and response data are formatted as JSON.

您的代码正在发送 form-encoded data

此外,Authorization 看起来应该是 HTTP header,而不是表单字段。


use strict;
use warnings;

use LWP::UserAgent;
use JSON::PP;

my $url = "https://api.box.com/2.0/users/";
my $payload = {
    name => 'mkhun',
    is_platform_access_only => ,

my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;

my $response = $ua->post(
    Authorization => 'Bearer <TOKEN>',
    Content => encode_json($payload),