
For loop when iterating over lines in a file?


for line in FILE:
    if ('MyExpression' in line)
        # Pull the first number out of this line and put it in a list
        # Pull the first number out of the NEXT line that has either 'MyExpression' or      'MyExpression2', and put it in a list

基本上,我想找到 'My Expression exists' 所在的一行,然后从该行中拉出一个数字,表示试验开始。然后我想跳转到包含 MyExpressionMyExpression2 的下一行,并从该行中提取一个数字作为我的试验的偏移量。我想查看我的整个文件,所以我有两个列表,一个表示开始,一个表示偏移。

我知道如何在 Matlab 中执行此操作,但在 Python 中我不确定如何告诉它查看下一行。像 if ('MyExpresion' in line+1) OR ('MyExpression2' in line+1)?


1234 MyExpression Blah Blah
3452 Irrelevant Blah Blah
4675 MyExpression2 Blah Blah
5234 MyExpression Blah Blah
6666 MyExpression Blah Blah

我想要两个 arrays/lists:基本上是 [1234, 5234] 和 [4675, 6666],它们对应于开始和偏移。我会玩当前的答案,看看是否有人这样做,谢谢!

文件对象是 iterators, which means that you can advance them with next:

for line in FILE:
    if ('MyExpression' in line):
        next_line = next(FILE, None)

请注意,如果到达文件末尾,None 中的默认值为 return。没有它,将引发 StopIteration 异常。

for line in afile:循环体中,下一行还没有被读取;但是,您可以继续阅读所述循环体内的以下几行。例如:

for line in afile:
    if 'MyExpression' in line:
        # ...the number extraction, e.g with a regular expression, then:
        for nextline in afile:
            if 'MyExpression' in nextline or 'MyExpression2' in nextline:
                # the other number extraction, then
                break  # done with the inner loop

请注意,这 consumesafile 中剩余的一部分(或全部)。如果您需要再次遍历该部分,则需要使用 itertools.tee 生成 afile 迭代器的两个 "clones",然后在 "clones" 上循环。但是,根据我对你的问题的理解,这对于你的特定要求来说不是必需的(而且它有点棘手,所以我不会详细说明)。

例如,如果 a.txt 是您提供的示例文件:

1234 MyExpression Blah Blah
3452 Irrelevant Blah Blah
4675 MyExpression2 Blah Blah
5234 MyExpression Blah Blah
6666 MyExpression Blah Blah


with open('a.txt') as afile:
    results = []
    for line in afile:
        if 'MyExpression' in line:
            first = int(line.split()[0])
            for nextline in afile:
                if 'MyExpression' in nextline or 'MyExpression2' in nextline:
                    second = int(nextline.split()[0])
                    results.append([first, second])
                    break  # done with the inner loop


[[1234, 4675], [5234, 6666]]


[1234, 5234] and [4675, 6666]

什么逻辑规范会使 4675 被第一对忽略,但被重新考虑为第二对的开始?当然,在您的 Q 文本中我看不到任何具体说明,因此,请编辑该文本以使您的规格符合您的实际意图!

希望这有助于...查找 "Expression",并成对打印行。

text = "Expression"

# Get lines with text in it
with open('test.log') as log_file:
    the_lines = [line.strip() for line in log_file if text in line]

# Make pairs (0,1), (2,3), etc.
duples = [(the_lines[2*i], the_lines[2*i+1]) for i in xrange(len(the_lines)/2)]

# Show me...
for pair in duples:
    print pair

您应该将 line.strip() 替换为您自己的函数以获得您要查找的号码。
