k-safety 评估失败时如何延迟 Vertica 节点关闭?

How to delay Vertica node shutdown when k-safety assessment fails?

我们使用的是 3 节点 Vertica 集群。 节点之间的网络连接有时会在短时间内失败(例如:10 秒)。


00:04:30.633 node v_feedback_node0001 left the cluster
00:04:30.670 Node left cluster, reassessing k-safety...
00:04:32.389 node v_feedback_node0002 left the cluster
00:04:32.414 Changing node v_feedback_node0003 startup state from UP to UNSAFE
00:04:33.425 Shutting down this node
00:04:38.547 node v_feedback_node0003 left the cluster


Vertica forum 上得到了 Vertica 员工的答复。

This [reconnection delay] time is hard coded to 8 seconds.

I think time is better spent making the network more reliable. 30 sec of network failure is a lot (i mean really, really large, typically network rtt is in the microseconds). even if you kept vertica up by delaying k-safe assessment, nothing really can connect to the database, or most likely all db connections may reset.