Error initializing cluster data
我在 Opscenter 中遇到以下错误,一段时间后问题自行解决。
Error initializing cluster data: The request to
/APP_Live/keyspaces?ksfields=column_families%2Creplica_placement_strategy%2Cstrategy_options%2Cis_system%2Cdurable_writes%2Cskip_repair%2Cuser_types%2Cuser_functions%2Cuser_aggregates&cffields=solr_core%2Ccreate_query%2Cis_in_memory%2Ctiers timed out after 10 seconds..
If you continue to see this error message, you can workaround this timeout by setting [ui].default_api_timeout to a value larger than 10 in opscenterd.conf and restarting opscenterd.
Note that this is a workaround and you should also contact DataStax
Support to follow up.
此超时的解决方法是在 opscenterd.conf 中将 [ui].default_api_timeout 的值设置为大于 10 并重新启动 opscenterd。
我在 Opscenter 中遇到以下错误,一段时间后问题自行解决。
Error initializing cluster data: The request to
/APP_Live/keyspaces?ksfields=column_families%2Creplica_placement_strategy%2Cstrategy_options%2Cis_system%2Cdurable_writes%2Cskip_repair%2Cuser_types%2Cuser_functions%2Cuser_aggregates&cffields=solr_core%2Ccreate_query%2Cis_in_memory%2Ctiers timed out after 10 seconds..
If you continue to see this error message, you can workaround this timeout by setting [ui].default_api_timeout to a value larger than 10 in opscenterd.conf and restarting opscenterd.
Note that this is a workaround and you should also contact DataStax
Support to follow up.
此超时的解决方法是在 opscenterd.conf 中将 [ui].default_api_timeout 的值设置为大于 10 并重新启动 opscenterd。