nagios 配置中的联系人和 contact_groups

Contacts and contact_groups in nagios configuration



define host{
    host_name           bogus-router
    alias               Bogus Router #1
    parents             server-backbone
    check_command           check-host-alive
    check_interval          5
    retry_interval          1
    max_check_attempts      5
    check_period            24x7
    process_perf_data       0
    retain_nonstatus_information    0
    contacts                specyfic-admin
    contact_groups          router-admins
    notification_interval       30
    notification_period     24x7
    notification_options        d,u,r



contacts: This is a list of the short names of the contacts that should be notified whenever there are problems (or recoveries) with this host. Multiple contacts should be separated by commas. Useful if you want notifications to go to just a few people and don't want to configure contact groups. You must specify at least one contact or contact group in each host definition.

contact_groups: This is a list of the short names of the contact groups that should be notified whenever there are problems (or recoveries) with this host. Multiple contact groups should be separated by commas. You must specify at least one contact or contact group in each host definition.

实际上 - 既然我复制了,我不太确定它是否正确描述了答案。

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