通过 Gloox XMPP 库向 Google Firebase 发送推送通知

Send PUSH notification to Google Firebase by Gloox XMPP library

我尝试将 PUSH 通知发送到 android 设备作为指南(https://firebase.google.com/docs/cloud-messaging/server#connecting),我正在使用 Gloox 库发送它,但服务器响应我一些不可读来自 google 服务器的数据 (\x15\x3\x1 ) 解析失败:

log: level: 0, area: 8, This is gloox 1.0.20, connecting to fcm-xmpp.googleapis.com:5236...
log: level: 0, area: 32, Connecting to fcm-xmpp.googleapis.com (
log: level: 0, area: 32, Connected to fcm-xmpp.googleapis.com (
log: level: 0, area: 262144, <stream:stream to="gcm.googleapis.com" xmlns="jabber:client" xmlns:stream="http://etherx.jabber.org/streams" version="1.0">
log: level: 2, area: 8, parse error (at pos 0): 


我们应该使用下面的代码来禁用 "STARTTLS":

    JID jid("8566240108@gcm.googleapis.com");
    j = new Client(jid, "AAAAADMKj3w:APA9178fdsksW-0rDT0dTu1rMoO0N30J_KldYx9XsQ86fd3540bTIR9e54wDLpU0TWdPf8DnsBRZH-YEc5rtHuRMJRPE_92bcKkLNT42JQ-9fzLJW1yu34r89diWiBS6Rt6_56WzUUmJarc2WCDzz2Tj");    
    j->setConnectionImpl(new ConnectionTLS(j, new ConnectionTCPClient(j->logInstance(), "fcm-xmpp.googleapis.com", 5236), j->logInstance()));
    j->setPort( 5236 ); // For release will be 5235  // The TLS and SASL default is enabled
    j->setTls( TLSOptional );
    j->registerMessageSessionHandler(this, 0);
    j->disco()->setVersion("PortSIP PBX", "9.0");
    j->disco()->setIdentity("PushSender", "Sender");