自动续订 iOS swift 决定免费试用

Auto-renewing subscription iOS swift Decide to give Free Trial

这是我的 "Problem",我有一个试用一年的产品和一个没有试用的产品。有没有办法只使用具有 1 年免费试用期的产品并决定我给谁试用? 如果有办法,是否允许?我只想向在 Android 购买该产品的人提供试用。这样他们就可以使用相同的功能而无需再次购买该产品。我会告诉他们,他们可以在试用前 1 天取消订阅 ends.New 用户将购买产品,但不会向他们提供试用。我希望你们能帮助。谢谢

技术上可以吗? 有点。您可以有条件地 在您的应用 UI 中仅向您的用户显示 2 个可用 IAP 中的 1 个。但是,在 App Store 中,用户将始终能够看到您在 iTunes Connect 中配置的 all¹ In-App 购买。所以这可能会让您的用户感到困惑。

允许吗? 这更像是一个灰色地带。 guidelines don't explicitly mention it but that is never a guarantee. There is mention of cross-platform considerations in the In-App Purchase Programming Guide,但更多是在 macOS 和 iOS 之间共享功能的上下文中:

[...] You could let users who have a subscription in an iOS app access the content from a macOS app (or vice versa), but implementing that functionality is your responsibility. You would need a system to identify users and keep track of the content they are subscribed to, similar to what you would implement for an app that uses non-renewable subscriptions.

¹ : 在 iOS 11 你可以选择 promote certain IAPs:

You can choose to promote up to 20 in-app purchases at a time on your product page, with additional in-app purchases approved and ready to promote. This gives you the flexibility to change the in-app purchases that appear on your product page at any time based on your business needs — for example, if you’re planning to launch a limited-time price promotion or offer exclusive content.

我不确定是否会完全隐藏 non-promoted IAP。我还没看完 What's New in StoreKit WWDC session :)