Perl 6 的 uncuddled else 是语句分离的特例吗?

Is Perl 6's uncuddled else a special case for statement separation?

来自syntax doc

A closing curly brace followed by a newline character implies a statement separator, which is why you don't need to write a semicolon after an if statement block.

if True {
    say "Hello";
say "world";

很好, 发生了什么。

但是,这条规则如何适用于未被拥抱的 else?这是特例吗?

if True {
    say "Hello";
else {
    say "Something else";
say "world";

或者 with-orwith example:

my $s = "abc";
with   $s.index("a") { say "Found a at $_" }
orwith $s.index("b") { say "Found b at $_" }
orwith $s.index("c") { say "Found c at $_" }
else                 { say "Didn't find a, b or c" }

您找到的文档不完全正确。 documentation has been updated and is now correct。现在显示为:

Complete statements ending in bare blocks can omit the trailing semicolon, if no additional statements on the same line follow the block's closing curly brace }.


For a series of blocks that are part of the same if/elsif/else (or similar) construct, the implied separator rule only applies at the end of the last block of that series.


查看 nqp and Rakudoif 的语法,似乎一组 if/elsif/else 块被一起解析为一个控制语句。


rule statement_control:sym<if> {
    [ 'elsif'\s <xblock> ]*
    [ 'else'\s <else=.pblock> ]?

(,截至 2017 年 8 月 5 日)

乐道 if 的规则

rule statement_control:sym<if> {
    $<sym>=[if|with]<.kok> {}
    <xblock(so ~$<sym>[0] ~~ /with/)>
        | 'else'\h*'if' <.typed_panic: 'X::Syntax::Malformed::Elsif'>
        | 'elif' { $/.typed_panic('X::Syntax::Malformed::Elsif', what => "elif") }
        | $<sym>='elsif' <xblock>
        | $<sym>='orwith' <xblock(1)>
    [ 'else' <else=.pblock(so ~$<sym>[-1] ~~ /with/)> ]?
} 截至 2017 年 8 月 5 日)