SSL 显示对 有效但对带 https 的域无效

SSL shows valid for but invalid for domain with https

我在 1 年前安装了 SSL 证书,几天前它工作正常,但现在显示以下错误:

The URL couldn't be validated. Callback verification failed with the following errors: curl_errno = 60; curl_error = SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate; HTTP Status Code = 200; HTTP Message = Connection established

当我检查 https// 的 SSL 检查器时,它说,

The certificate is not trusted in all web browsers. You may need to install an Intermediate/chain certificate to link it to a trusted root certificate. Learn more about this error. You can fix this by following Entrust's Certificate Installation Instructions for your server platform. Pay attention to the parts about Intermediate certificates.

但是当我在 SSL 检查器上只检查 时,它显示

The hostname ( is correctly listed in the certificate.



已从提供商重新生成 SSL 证书并解决问题。