Powershell 确定永久移动(重定向)资源的新 URL

Powershell determine new URL of a permanently moved (redirected) resource

我在 Linux 上使用 AppImage 使用 Powershell Core v6-beta.5。有没有办法找出 301 重定向的 "new" 位置?

Invoke-WebRequest -Method HEAD http://SomethingThatThrows301.com/ -MaximumRedirection 0 抛出错误 (Response status code does not indicate success: 301 (Moved Permanently))。

虽然错误确实提到移动是 301,但我仍然想要一个正确的对象告诉我这一点,以及新地址。


如果忽略抛出的错误,您将能够检查 HTTP 响应。新 URL 将位于位置 header。


$resp = Invoke-WebRequest -Method HEAD $url -MaximumRedirection 0 -ErrorAction Ignore
$code = $resp.StatusCode
Write-Output "URL: $url"
Write-Output "ErrorCode: $code"
if($code -eq 301) {
    $loc = $resp.Headers.Location
    Write-Output "New URL: $loc"

注意:下面的所有代码都适用于 Windows PowerShellPowerShell Core,在所有支持的平台上,默认最多 50 个重定向。


  • 您不关心具体 3xx 重定向状态代码和
  • 你只需要知道最终目标URL(可能有一个重定向)



这会产生(注意目标 URL 如何具有 www.):


下面是高级便利函数Get-UrlRedirection的源代码,它封装了功能,提供了最终目标URL的解析和枚举重定向链 URLs.


> Get-UrlRedirection http://cnn.com

> Get-UrlRedirection -Enumerate http://microsoft.com/about

Function Get-UrlRedirection {
  Param (
    [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)] [Uri] $Url,
    [switch] $Enumerate,
    [int] $MaxRedirections = 50 # Use same default as [System.Net.HttpWebRequest]

  process {
    try {

      if ($Enumerate) { # Enumerate the whole redirection chain, from input URL to ultimate target,
                        # assuming the max. count of redirects is not exceeded.
        # We must walk the chain of redirections one by one.
        # If we disallow redirections, .GetResponse() fails and we must examine
        # the exception's .Response object to get the redirect target.
        $nextUrl = $Url
        $urls = @( $nextUrl.AbsoluteUri ) # Start with the input Uri
        $ultimateFound = $false
        # Note: We add an extra loop iteration so we can determine whether
        #       the ultimate target URL was reached or not.
        foreach($i in 1..$($MaxRedirections+1)) {
          Write-Verbose "Examining: $nextUrl"
          $request = [System.Net.HttpWebRequest]::Create($nextUrl)
          $request.AllowAutoRedirect = $False
          try {
            $response = $request.GetResponse()
            # Note: In .NET *Core* the .GetResponse() for a redirected resource
            #       with .AllowAutoRedirect -eq $False throws an *exception*.
            #       We only get here on *Windows*, with the full .NET Framework.
            #       We either have the ultimate target URL, or a redirection
            #       whose target URL is reflected in .Headers['Location']
            #       !! Syntax `.Headers.Location` does NOT work.
            $nextUrlStr = $response.Headers['Location']
            # If the ultimate target URL was reached (it was already
            # recorded in the previous iteration), and if so, simply exit the loop.
            if (-not $nextUrlStr) {
              $ultimateFound = $true
          } catch [System.Net.WebException] {
            # The presence of a 'Location' header implies that the
            # exception must have been triggered by a HTTP redirection 
            # status code (3xx). 
            # $_.Exception.Response.StatusCode contains the specific code
            # (as an enumeration value that can be case to [int]), if needed.
            # !! Syntax `.Headers.Location` does NOT work.
            $nextUrlStr = try { $_.Exception.Response.Headers['Location'] } catch {}
            # Not being able to get a target URL implies that an unexpected
            # error ocurred: re-throw it.
            if (-not $nextUrlStr) { Throw }
          Write-Verbose "Raw target: $nextUrlStr"
          if ($nextUrlStr -match '^https?:') { # absolute URL
            $nextUrl = $prevUrl = [Uri] $nextUrlStr
          } else { # URL without scheme and server component
            $nextUrl = $prevUrl = [Uri] ($prevUrl.Scheme + '://' + $prevUrl.Authority + $nextUrlStr)
          if ($i -le $MaxRedirections) { $urls += $nextUrl.AbsoluteUri }          
        # Output the array of URLs (chain of redirections) as a *single* object.
        Write-Output -NoEnumerate $urls
        if (-not $ultimateFound) { Write-Warning "Enumeration of $Url redirections ended before reaching the ultimate target." }

      } else { # Resolve just to the ultimate target,
                # assuming the max. count of redirects is not exceeded.

                # Note that .AllowAutoRedirect defaults to $True.
        # This will fail, if there are more redirections than the specified 
        # or default maximum.
        $request = [System.Net.HttpWebRequest]::Create($Url)
        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('MaxRedirections')) {
          $request.MaximumAutomaticRedirections = $MaxRedirections
        $response = $request.GetResponse()
        # Output the ultimate target URL.
        # If no redirection was involved, this is the same as the input URL.


      } catch {
        Write-Error $_ # Report the exception as a non-terminating error.
  } # process


为了专注于代码,我省略了上面的基于评论的帮助;在这里 - 只需将其直接粘贴到函数定义上方即可:

Gets a URL's redirection target(s).

Given a URL, determines its redirection target(s), as indicated by responses
with 3xx HTTP status codes.

If the URL is not redirected, it is output as-is.

By default, the ultimate target URL is determined (if there's a chain of
redirections), but the number of redirections that are followed is limited
to 50 by default, which you may change with -MaxRedirections.

-Enumerate enumerates the redirection chain and returns an array of URLs.

The URL whose redirection target to determine.
You may supply multiple URLs via the pipeline.

.PARAMETER MaxRedirections
Limits the number of redirections that are followed, 50 by default.
If the limit is exceeded, a non-terminating error is reported.

.PARAMETER Enumerate
Enumerates the chain of redirections, if applicable, starting with
the input URL itself, and outputs it as an array.

If the number of actual redirections doesn't exceed the specified or default
-MaxRedirections value, the entire chain up to the ultimate target URL is
Otherwise, a warning is issued to indicate that the ultimate target URL wasn't

All URLs are output in absolute form, even if the targets are defined as
relative URLs.

Note that, in order to support multiple input URLs via the pipeline, each
array representing a redirection chain is output as a *single* object, so
with multiple input URLs you'll get an array of arrays as output.

> Get-UrlRedirection http://cnn.com

> Get-UrlRedirection -Enumerate http://microsoft.com/about

This function uses the [System.Net.HttpWebRequest] .NET class and was 
inspired by http://www.powershellmagazine.com/2013/01/29/pstip-retrieve-a-redirected-url/