
How to get list of files for every commit with octokit and c#

我有一个 class GitHub 和一种方法,应该 return 列出特定用户名的所有提交和 GitHub 上的回购:

using System;
using Octokit;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace ReadRepo
    public class GitHub
        public GitHub()

        public async Task<List<GitHubCommit>> getAllCommits()
            string username = "lukalopusina";
            string repo = "flask-microservices-main";

            var github = new GitHubClient(new ProductHeaderValue("MyAmazingApp"));
            var repository = await github.Repository.Get(username, repo);
            var commits = await github.Repository.Commit.GetAll(repository.Id);

            List<GitHubCommit> commitList = new List<GitHubCommit>();

            foreach(GitHubCommit commit in commits) {

            return commitList;


我有调用 getAllCommits 方法的主要函数:

using System;
using Octokit;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace ReadRepo
    class MainClass

        public static void Main(string[] args)

            GitHub github = new GitHub();

            Task<List<GitHubCommit>> commits = github.getAllCommits();

            foreach(GitHubCommit commit in commits.Result) {                
                foreach (GitHubCommitFile file in commit.Files)


当我 运行 出现以下错误时:

问题是因为这个变量 commit.Files 是 Null 可能是因为异步调用,但我不确定如何解决它。请帮忙?


foreach(GitHubCommit commit in commits) 
    var commitDetails = github.Repository.Commit.Get(commit.Sha);
    var files = commitDetails.Files;

看看this。还描述了另一种实现目标的方法 - 首先获取存储库中所有文件的列表,然后获取每个文件的提交列表。