未知 git/gitolite 命令:'git upload-pack RepoName'

unknown git/gitolite command: 'git upload-pack RepoName'

我们在服务器上使用 gitolite 并通过 SSH 连接。从一天到另一天,我们收到以下错误:

$git pull
FATAL: unknown git/gitolite command: 'git upload-pack 'RepoName''
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.

Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists.

访问权限没有改变。存储库存在。服务器已启动 运行.



正如我在“”中提到的,GitLab 或 Gitolite 被设置为解析 git-xxx 命令。

但是对于 2.140.0.windows.1,git 将命令发送为“git xxx”,这意味着未检测到命令(现在在 args 中) .

commit 0f33428 which reverses that: you can then use git/releases/tag/v2.14.0.windows.2