Pandas:包含变量名称和值的多列:如何使用 Pivot?

Pandas: Multiple columns containing Names and Values of Variables: How to use Pivot?


我有一个如下所示的 DataFrame:

Index   Name    detail1 detail1_value   detail2  detail2_value   detail3    detail3_value
1     Albert    Age      30             Group       A            Hometown   beautifulplace
2     Bea       Age      28             Hometown    anotherplace None       None
3     Celin     Age      45             Group       B            None       None
4     Dave      Group    A              None        None         None       None


Index   Name    Age Group   Hometown
1     Albert    30  A   beautifulplace
2     Bea       28      anotherplace
3     Celin     45  B   
4     Dave          A   

我很确定每个细节只出现一次。 为了让事情变得复杂:我不确定每个细节是否完全相同(在某些情况下,例如 Hometowns 而不是 Hometown)。

到目前为止我能看到的唯一解决方案是从每对列中生成单个数据透视表(如 detail1 和 detail1_value)。在第二步中,创建一个新数据集,并在例如年龄信息中搜索每个数据透视表。 但是我对 python 的信任告诉我,一定有更好的方法...


PS: 可能有帮助:

dataset = pd.DataFrame({'Name': ['Albert', 'Bea', 'Celine', 'Dave'],
                        'detail1': ['Age', 'Age', 'Age', 'Group'],
                        'detail1_value': ['30', '28', '45', 'A'],
                        'detail2': ['Group', 'Hometown', 'Group', None],
                        'detail2_value': ['A', 'anotherplace', 'B', None],
                        'detail3': ['Hometown', None, None, None],
                        'detail3_value': ['beautifulplace', None, None, None]})

您可以熔化数据框两次 - 一次用于变量,一次用于它们的值。然后使用 Name 和这个变量来自哪个细节将它们合并回来。合并后的数据框应准备好进行旋转,请参见下面的示例:

id_cols  = ['Name']
var_cols = ['detail1','detail2','detail3']
val_cols = ['detail1_value','detail2_value','detail3_value']
val_var_mapping = {k:v for k,v in zip(val_cols, var_cols)}

# extract variables
variables = dataset[id_cols+var_cols].melt(id_vars=['Name'],
# print(variables.head())
#      Name   detail variable
# 0  Albert  detail1      Age
# 1     Bea  detail1      Age
# 2  Celine  detail1      Age
# 3    Dave  detail1    Group
# 4  Albert  detail2    Group

# extract values
values = dataset[id_cols+val_cols].melt(id_vars=['Name'], var_name='detail')
values['detail'] = values['detail'].replace(val_var_mapping)
# print(values.head())
#      Name   detail value
# 0  Albert  detail1    30
# 1     Bea  detail1    28
# 2  Celine  detail1    45
# 3    Dave  detail1     A
# 4  Albert  detail2     A

# merge and pivot
res = (variables.dropna()
                .merge(values, on=id_cols+['detail'])
# print(res)
# variable   Age Group        Hometown
# Name                                
# Albert      30     A  beautifulplace
# Bea         28  None    anotherplace
# Celine      45     B            None
# Dave      None     A            None

至于 Hometown 与 Hometowns,您可以检查 variable 列的唯一值,并可能用标准化版本替换其中一些值。

您可以使用 lreshape with pivot:

#get columns names dynamically 
a = dataset.columns[dataset.columns.str.endswith('_value')]
b = dataset.columns[dataset.columns.str.startswith('detail')].difference(a)

df = pd.lreshape(dataset, {'detail':b, 'value':a})
print (df)
     Name           value    detail
0  Albert              30       Age
1     Bea              28       Age
2  Celine              45       Age
3    Dave               A     Group
4  Albert               A     Group
5     Bea    anotherplace  Hometown
6  Celine               B     Group
7  Albert  beautifulplace  Hometown

df = df.pivot(index='Name', columns='detail', values='value')
print (df)
detail   Age Group        Hometown
Albert    30     A  beautifulplace
Bea       28  None    anotherplace
Celine    45     B            None
Dave    None     A            None


df = df.reset_index().rename_axis(None, axis=1)
print (df)
     Name   Age Group        Hometown
0  Albert    30     A  beautifulplace
1     Bea    28  None    anotherplace
2  Celine    45     B            None
3    Dave  None     A            None