如何让英特尔 HAXM 在 Windows 10 上运行

How to get Intel HAXM working on Windows 10

安装 IntelHaxm-Android 包时,尽管 Hyper-V 被禁用,但我仍收到以下错误:

从图像中可以看出 hyper-v 已禁用。处理器是Intel i7-6700,绝对支持VT-x,BIOS中开启了虚拟化


我有一个类似的问题,this answer 从论坛


this is what i did to install haxm 1.1.4 on win 8.1 Pro 64-bit. you may test it with or without admin-privileges, i've done it with them :-| (this means to start cmd and any other exe in admin mode)

I. Preparing--------------------------------------------------------- (Optional: check or change your BIOS settings for Intel VT, disable hyper-v, ... as mentioned in other answers.)

  1. download and extract the file to a folder
  2. cmd -> sfc /SCANNOW
  3. reboot
  4. cmd -> Bcdedit -set TESTSIGNING ON
  5. reboot

II. Installation----------------------------------------------------- 1. start install-android.exe in the folder of the extracted file and install 1.1 if you don't get an error the previous steps have handled the error - continue to III. 1.2 if you get an error DO NOT click OK when the error occurs 3. go to C:\Program Files\Intel\HAXM and copy all files, except *.tmp to a new folder 4. then continue/finish the setup (click OK and finish) 5. copy the files from the new folder to C:\Program Files\Intel\HAXM and delete *.tmp 6. go to C:\Program Files\Intel\HAXM, right-click on the inf-file and choose install a window with driverinstallation should appear. install driver. it should says ok then..

hint: this is what made the difference for me! Starting "HaxInst64.exe /i intelhaxm.inf 1" as well as with parameter 4 in the console did not pop up the driverinstallation-window

III. Test------------------------------------------------------------ 1. cmd -> sc query intelhaxm it should show the service 2. reboot 3. cmd -> sc query intelhaxm it should says service running..

IV. Reset------------------------------------------------------------ 1. cmd -> Bcdedit -set TESTSIGNING OFF 2. reboot

Hyper-V 阻止 运行在您的计算机上使用 HAXM。您有两个选择:

删除 Hyper-V

(如果你根本不使用 Hyper-V)

  1. 以管理员身份打开 PowerShell window 并执行命令:

    Disable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName Microsoft-Hyper-V
  2. 重新启动计算机,瞧 - 你可以使用 HAXM 或 VirtualBox。

创建备选 Windows 10 配置并禁用 Hyper-V

(如果您必须将 Hyper-V 用于其他目的)

  1. 以管理员身份打开命令行。
  2. 克隆现有配置(安装并启用 Hyper-V)并为其提供有意义的描述:

    BCDEDIT /copy {current} /d "Hyper-V enabled"
  3. 在当前配置中禁用 Hyper-V:

    BCDEDIT /set {current} hypervisorlaunchtype off
  4. 重命名当前配置:

    BCDEDIT /set {current} description "Hyper-V disabled"
  5. 重新启动计算机并select 配置禁用 Hyper-V 到 运行 HAXM。