如何在 clearcase 中获取应用于特定文件的所有版本和标签的列表?

How to get list of all the versions and labels applied for a particular file in clearcase?




在命令行中,一种方法是使用版本树:cleartool lsvtree

cd N:\E123_view\ABC\XYZ
cleartool lsvtree -all data.doc > afile.txt

lists all versions on a branch, not the selected versions only; annotates each version with all of its version labels.

另一种方法是使用 lshistory combined with fmt_ccase

cleartool lshistory -fmt "%n %l\n" data.doc
  • %n 将打印版本,如 /main/rel2_bugfix/1
  • %l 将打印标签(如果存在)。