是否可以向 React Tool Box Table 主体添加无限滚动?

Is it possible to add infinite scrolling to React Tool Box Table body?

我正在使用 react-toolbox table component in my app(react-toolbox for material styles implementation). I need to add infinite scrolling pagination for the table body. I found some libraries which does this for me, some of those are react-infinite, react-infinite-scroller,但问题是,要使用任何库,我需要将 table 行作为子项放在它们的库组件中,但是 ract-toolbox table不允许我在文档中使用任何 div 或特殊组件:

An element that represents a row in the Table. It should be place as a direct descendant of Table and it should has TableCells children. It receives extra properties from Table to decide if checkboxes should be placed as a first column.

实际上他们的库中有一个已关闭的 issue 但它并没有解决我的问题。请帮助我这样做,或者建议我使用 suitable 库(或者)是否有任何其他方法可以在不使用任何库的情况下进行无限分页? 任何帮助,将不胜感激。

尝试将 table 包裹在 div 中,并为其赋予固定高度 div 也会使 overflow-y: scroll table 呈现在div 可滚动且高度固定。

然后将整个标记呈现为 react-infinite-scroller
