VBA detecting text color IBM PCOMM

最近,我的 IBM PCOMM 在工作中升级到了 版本。从那以后,如果我试图检测空白 space,并且之前已经存在某些内容,那么当我使用 autECLPS.GetText 时,即使我看到的都是黑色,该文本也会出现。我需要一种方法来查看是否有隐藏文本,以便我知道我可以继续进行下一个过程。我一直在使用 autECLPS.GetTextRect 来查看我是否可以匹配整个文本块,但这变得很乏味。有什么建议吗?



ElseIf LineCount < 3 Then
    ' If we've gone through less than three lines, we need
    ' to determine if the next line is visible.
    ' ***************************************************************
    ' Due to IBM PCOMM changing their process from actually clearing
    ' screens when going from one to the next to changing the
    ' color of the previous data, there may be some ghost data
    ' present. This code checks to see if any previous data is
    ' hidden from view and determines whether or not to continue.
    ' ***************************************************************
    If SMonth = EMonth Or SMonth <> EMonth And j > 1 And k > 1 Then
        If ScreenName = "MHI" And EditWarnMsg = "E065NO MORE CLMS ON FILE," Then
            Result = objUNET.autECLPS.GetTextRect(SvcLn1, 1, SvcLn3, 80)
            If Left(Result, 2) = POS(j) And Trim(Mid(Result, 4, 6)) = Serv(j) And Trim(Mid(Result, 36, 2)) = RC(j) Then
                Exit Do
             ElseIf Left(Result, 2) = POS(j - 1) And Trim(Mid(Result, 4, 6)) = Serv(j - 1) And Trim(Mid(Result, 36, 2)) = RC(j - 1) Then
                 Exit Do
             ElseIf Left(Result, 2) = POS(j - 2) And Trim(Mid(Result, 4, 6)) = Serv(j - 2) And Trim(Mid(Result, 36, 2)) = RC(j - 2) Then
                  Exit Do
              ElseIf Left(Result, 2) = POS(j - 3) And Trim(Mid(Result, 4, 6)) = Serv(j - 3) And Trim(Mid(Result, 36, 2)) = RC(j - 3) Then
                  Exit Do
              ' If the initial If criteria renders ICN to not have been
              ' found, this will cause a range error. We want to resume
              ' on to the next process if such error occurs.
              On Error Resume Next
              ElseIf Trim(Mid(Result, 165, 10)) = ICN(k) And Trim(Mid(Result, 28, 10)) = Draft(k) Then
                  Exit Do
              ElseIf Trim(Mid(Result, 165, 10)) = ICN(k - 1) And Trim(Mid(Result, 28, 10)) = Draft(k - 1) Then
                  Exit Do
              On Error GoTo 0
                  GoTo POSBlank
              End If
          End If
      End If
  End If
End If

在收到有关 SO 的人才的建议并进行更多研究后,我将我的代码更改为一个可行的解决方案。和原来的差别不大,但是更靠谱

If SMonth = EMonth Or SMonth <> EMonth And j > 1 And k > 1 Then
    If ScreenName = "MHI" And EditWarnMsg = "E065NO MORE CLMS ON FILE," Then
        ' Attempt to refresh the connection list
        ' to get current data on the screen.
        Result = objUNET.auteclps.GetTextRect(SvcLn1, 1, SvcLn3, 80)
        ' See if we've already processed this place of service
        If Left(Result, 2) = POS(j - 1) Or Left(Result, 2) = POS(j - 2) Or Left(Result, 2) = POS(j - 3) Then
            ' See if we've already processed this service code matching the POS
            If Trim(Mid(Result, 4, 6)) = Serv(j - 1) Or Trim(Mid(Result, 4, 6)) = Serv(j - 2) Or Trim(Mid(Result, 4, 6)) = Serv(j - 3) Then
                ' See if we've already processed this remark code matching the POS and service code
                If Trim(Mid(Result, 36, 2)) = RC(j - 1) Or Trim(Mid(Result, 36, 2)) = RC(j - 2) Or Trim(Mid(Result, 36, 2)) = RC(j - 3) Then
                    ' If start month equals end month, stop the process
                    If SMonth = EMonth Then
                        Exit Do
                        GoTo POSBlank  ' Continue process by going to label
                    End If
                End If
            End If
            ' See if we've already processed this ICN
            If Trim(Mid(Result, 165, 10)) = ICN(k - 1) Or Trim(Mid(Result, 165, 10)) = ICN(k - 2) Then
                ' See if we've already processed this draft number matching the ICN
                If Trim(Mid(Result, 28, 10)) = Draft(k - 1) Or Trim(Mid(Result, 28, 10)) = Draft(k - 2) Then
                    If SMonth = EMonth Then
                        Exit Do
                        GoTo POSBlank
                    End If
                End If
            End If
        End If
    End If
End If