
Bokeh Plotting: Enable tooltips for only some glyphs

我有一个带有一些字形的图形,但只希望工具提示显示某些字形。目前有没有办法在 Bokeh 中完成此操作?





参见: http://docs.bokeh.org/en/latest/docs/user_guide/objects.html#hovertool

感谢 Google 组中的这个页面,我弄清楚了如何做到这一点。 Link here

编辑 2015-10-20:不幸的是,看起来 google 组 link 不再工作了。这是来自 Sarah Bird @bokehplot 的消息。

编辑 2017-01-18:目前这会向工具栏添加多个悬停工具图标。这可能会导致问题。在 github here 已经有一个问题被提交。或者,在下面的答案中尝试@tterry 的解决方案。

基本上你需要(散景版本 0.9.2):

  1. 创建图形时不在 tools 中添加 hover
  2. 单独创建字形
  3. 为您的图形添加字形
  4. 为这组字形设置悬停工具
  5. 将悬停工具添加到您的图形


import bokeh.models as bkm
import bokeh.plotting as bkp

source = bkm.ColumnDataSource(data=your_frame)
p = bkp.figure(tools='add the tools you want here, but no hover!')
g1 = bkm.Cross(x='col1', y='col2')
g1_r = p.add_glyph(source_or_glyph=source, glyph=g1)
g1_hover = bkm.HoverTool(renderers=[g1_r],
                         tooltips=[('x', '@col1'), ('y', '@col2')])

# now repeat the above for the next sets of glyphs you want to add. 
# for those you don't want tooltips to show when hovering over, just don't 
# add hover tool for them!

此外,如果您需要为要添加的每个字形添加图例,请尝试使用 bokeh.plotting_helpers._update_legend() 方法。 github source 例如:

_update_legend(plot=p, legend_name='data1', glyph_renderer=g1_r)


from bokeh import plotting
from bokeh.models import HoverTool, PanTool, ResetTool, WheelZoomTool

hover_tool = HoverTool(tooltips=[('col', '@x'),('row', '@y')])  # instantiate HoverTool without its renderers
tools = [hover_tool, WheelZoomTool(), PanTool(), ResetTool()]  # collect the tools in a list: you can still update hover_tool

plot = plotting.figure(tools=tools)
plot.line(x_range, y_range)  # we don't want to put tooltips on the line because they can behave a little strange
scatter = plot.scatter(x_range, y_range)  # we assign this renderer to a name...
hover_tool.renderers.append(scatter)  # ...so we can add it to hover_tool's renderers.


  1. 您可以使用 plotting 界面以高级方式创建字形,这仍然有效。
  2. 您不必每次都创建新的 HoverTool(除非您想要不同的工具提示),只需将其添加到现有工具的渲染器即可。

您需要使用您有兴趣激活悬停工具的字形上的 name= 属性来命名您的字形,然后在悬停工具的 names= 属性中设置该名称。 (请注意下面示例中 fig.line 字形的 name= 属性。

hover = HoverTool( mode='vline', line_policy='nearest', names=['ytd_ave'],
        ("Week Number", "@WeekNumber"),
        ("OH for the Week", "@OverHead{0.00}%"),
        ("OH Average", "@AveOverHead{0.00}%"),
        ("Non-Controllable Hours", "@NonControllableHours{0.0}"),
        ("Controllable Hours", "@ControllableHours{0.0}"),
        ("Total Hours", "@TotalHours{0.0}"),

fig = Figure(title='Weekly Overhead', plot_width=950, plot_height=400,
         x_minor_ticks=2, tools=['pan', 'box_zoom', 'wheel_zoom', 'save',
                                 'reset', hover])

ch = fig.vbar('WeekNumber', top='ControllableHours', name='Over Head', 
         color='LightCoral', source=sources, width=.5)
nch = fig.vbar('WeekNumber', bottom='ControllableHours', top='TotalOHHours',
         name='Non-Controllable Over Head', color='LightGray', 
         source=sources, width=.5)
bh = fig.vbar('WeekNumber', bottom='TotalOHHours', top='TotalHours',
         name='Project Hours', color='LightGreen', source=sources,

ave = fig.line('WeekNumber', 'AveOverHead', source=sources, color='red',
         y_range_name='Percent_OH', name='ytd_ave')