
What does this set of instructions do?


   7ffff7a97759    mov    0x33b780(%rip),%rax        # 0x7ffff7dd2ee0
   7ffff7a97760    mov    (%rax),%rax
   7ffff7a97763    test   %rax,%rax
   7ffff7a97766    jne    0x7ffff7a9787a



7ffff7a97759    mov    0x33b780(%rip),%rax        # 0x7ffff7dd2ee0


  1. 获取 rip 中的地址,并向其添加 0x33b780。此时rip包含下一条指令的地址,即0x7ffff7a97760。添加 0x33b780 得到 0x7ffff7dd2ee0,这是评论中的地址。

  2. 它将存储在该地址的8字节值复制到rax

让我们同意将这个 8 字节值称为 "the pointer"。根据地址的值,0x7ffff7dd2ee0 几乎可以肯定是堆栈上的一个位置。

7ffff7a97760    mov    (%rax),%rax

这会将存储在指针地址处的 8 字节值复制到 rax

7ffff7a97763    test   %rax,%rax

这对 rax 与自身执行按位与运算,丢弃结果,但修改标志。

7ffff7a97766    jne    0x7ffff7a9787a

如果按位与的结果不为零,换句话说,如果存储在 rax 中的值不为零,则跳转到位置 0x7ffff7a9787a

总之,这意味着 "find the 8 byte value stored at the address contained in the pointer indicated by rip plus 0x33b780, and if that value is not zero, jump to location 0x7fff7a9787a"。例如,在 C 术语中,存储在 0x7ffff7dd2ee0 的指针可能是一个 long *,此代码检查它指向的 long 是否包含 0.

它在 C 中的等价物可能是这样的:

long l = 0;
long * p = &l;   /*  Assume address of p is 0x7ffff7dd2ee0  */

/*  Assembly instructions in your question start here  */

if ( *p == 0 ) {
    /*  This would be the instruction after the jne  */
    /*  Do stuff  */

/*  Location 0x7ffff7a9787a would be here, after the if block  */
/*  Do other stuff  */


.global _start

        .section .rodata

iszerostr:      .ascii  "Value of a is zero\n"
isntzerostr:    .ascii  "Value of a is not zero\n"

        .section .data

a:      .quad   0x00                    #  We'll be testing this for zero...

        .section .text

        mov     %rsp, %rbp              #  Initialize rbp
        sub     , %rsp               #  Allocate stack space
        lea     (a), %rax               #  Store pointer to a in rax...
        mov     %rax, -16(%rbp)         #  ...and then store it on stack

        #  Start of the equivalent of your code

        mov     -16(%rbp), %rax         #  Load pointer to a into rax
        mov     (%rax), %rax            #  Dereference pointer and get value
        test    %rax, %rax              #  Compare pointed-to value to zero
        jne     .notzero                #  Branch if not zero

        #  End of the equivalent of your code

        lea     (iszerostr), %rsi       #  Address of string
        mov     , %rdx               #  Length of string
        jmp     .end

        lea     (isntzerostr), %rsi     #  Address of string
        mov     , %rdx               #  Length of string

        mov     , %rax                #  write() system call number
        mov     , %rdi                #  Standard output
        syscall                         #  Make system call

        mov     , %rax               #  exit() system call number
        mov     [=15=], %rdi                #  zero exit status
        syscall                         #  Make system call


paul@thoth:~/src/asm$ as -o tso.o tso.s; ld -o tso tso.o
paul@thoth:~/src/asm$ ./tso
Value of a is zero
