还有其他方法可以将 UIView 显示到 ARKit 中吗?

Is there any other way to display UIView into ARKit?

下面是我的代码和相机图像,用于将 2d UIView 加载到 sceneView。我已经尝试加载到 material 内容,但多次出现节点空白。

let annotationNode = SCNNode()      
let planeGeoMetry:SCNPlane = SCNPlane()
planeGeoMetry.firstMaterial?.fillMode = .fill

planeGeoMetry.firstMaterial?.diffuse.contents = view
annotationNode.name = name
annotationNode.geometry = planeGeoMetry   

来自 SCNMaterialProperty.contents 上的苹果文档:

SceneKit cannot use a layer that is already being displayed elsewhere (for example, the backing layer of a UIView object)

个人而言,在飞机上显示信息最简单的方法是使用 SpriteKit Scene