删除 mailchimp 中的重复商店

Delete duplicate store in mail chimp

我联系了 mailchimp 支持,因为我在 'best sellers' 处理售罄的商品时遇到问题 - 他们告诉我这是由于重复的商店,但他们无法删除它并提供了以下建议。

Issue of duplicate stores in your account. The work around for the issue would be to use the API playground or a REST client to delete the duplicate store in the account. Before doing this, we want to stress that this deletion can not be undone and could potentially affect the sending of ecommerce automations/emails that you have in the account. That being said, I am aware that your account was running into issues with accessing the playground earlier. If you would like to delete the duplicate store from the account, we'd recommend using the DELETE call for the duplicate store through a REST client and would recommend doing this with the assistance of a developer if needed. The endpoint that you'll want to use to delete that store from the account is as follows: http://developer.mailchimp.com/documentation/mailchimp/reference/ecommerce/stores/#delete-delete_ecommerce_stores_store_id

If you would like to use the work around of deleting the store from the account using the API, we'd recommend recreating the ecommerce automations in your account to make sure that they are using the most current and only instance of the store connected to MailChimp. While the issue of having duplicate stores is unfortunate enough, I do see how not being able to access the playground and having to use a REST client/outside application only complicates the resolution to this issue.



我能够使用 Postman api client


mail chimp 文档中显示的示例

curl --request DELETE \
--url 'https://usX.api.mailchimp.com/3.0/ecommerce/stores/MC002' \
--user 'anystring:apikey' \

如果您是 postman 和 mail chimp 的新手,可以使用此 medium 教程 api。