由于缺少 Windows/MSVC 子目录,无法在 Windows 上编译 PuTTY、Plink 或 Pscp

Cannot compile PuTTY, Plink or Pscp on Windows due to missing Windows/MSVC subdirectory

我需要在 Windows.
上下载并编译 plink/pscp 因为我需要特定版本 (0.69),所以我搜索了标签,并检查了该提交。

在 putty 自述文件中,他们写道如果我想在 windows 上编译,有 Visual studio 解决方案:

  • Inside the windows/MSVC subdirectory are MS Visual Studio project files for doing GUI-based builds of the various PuTTY utilities.
    These have been tested on Visual Studio 7 and 10.

    You should be able to build each PuTTY utility by loading the
    corresponding .dsp file in Visual Studio. For example,
    MSVC/putty/putty.dsp builds PuTTY itself, MSVC/plink/plink.dsp
    builds Plink, and so on.

代码是 https://github.com/github/putty 该目录也从那里丢失..


存储库中不存在 MSVC 文件夹。

它在构建期间生成并存储在 putty-src.zip 包中:


我引用 putty 工作人员对我的问题的回复:

"From the second paragraph of that same README in the root of the Git repository: "(If you have fetched the source from Git, you'll have to generate the Makefiles yourself -- see below.)" That includes the Visual Studio projects. Or, since you are compiling a release version, you could instead download putty-0.69.tar.gz from our website, which includes these generated files."



归功于 Jacob N。