如何验证 Xilinx Virtex 5 上的回读数据?

How do I verify readback data on a Xilinx Virtex 5?


根据7-series and Virtex 5配置指南,有两种验证回读数据的方法。

  1. 将数据与Xilinx生成的RBD和MSD进行比较
  2. 将数据与位文件和 MSK 进行比较。


The simplest way to verify the readback data stream is to compare it to the RBD golden readback file, masking readback bits with the MSD file. This approach is simple because there is a 1:1 correspondence between the start of the readback data stream and the start of the RBD and MSD files, making the task of aligning readback, mask, and expected data easier.

The RBD and MSD files contain an ASCII representation of the readback and mask data along with a file header that lists the file name, etc. This header information should be ignored or deleted. The ASCII 1s and 0s in the RBD and MSD files correspond to the binary readback data from the device. Take care to interpret these files as text, not binary sources. Users can convert the RBD and MSD files to a binary format using a script or text editor, to simplify the verify procedure for some systems and to reduce the size of the files by a factor of eight.

所以,您实际上只需要一个简单的程序,将 ASCII 码转换为二进制码,然后将其与回读数据进行比较。我一直没能在网上找到任何执行此操作的工具(尽管这样做相对简单),所以我用 C 语言制作了一个简单的开源工具来提供帮助。你可以在这里得到它:

Xilinx Readback Verify on GitHub.