
Listing all parents hierarchy in delimited string excluding the top most node

我在 Whosebug 本身中遇到了一个已经回答的问题。所以我只是重复这个问题,但由于根元素

我有一个 SQL table 这样的

ID        Name        ParentID
0        Users         NULL
1        Alex          0
2        John          0
3        Don           1
4        Philip        2
5        Shiva         2
6        San           3
7        Antony        6
8        Mathew        2
9        Cyril         8
10       Johan         9


如果我传递 ID 7,10,1

输出 table 将是

ID          Name           Relation
7           Antony         Alex->Don->San->Antony
10          Johan          John->Mathew->Cyril->Johan
1           Alex           -

从上面的回答中我想强调的是,它不应该考虑ID为0且parentid为null的最顶层节点Users。所以对于 ID 1,它只返回一个空字符串来表示关系或者只是连字符 (-) 我如何使用 CTE



DECLARE @t table (ID int not null, Name varchar(19) not null, ParentID int null)
insert into @t(ID,Name,ParentID) values
(1 ,'Alex',null),
(2 ,'John',null),
(3 ,'Don',1),
(4 ,'Philip',2),
(5 ,'Shiva',2),
(6 ,'San',3),
(7 ,'Antony',6),
(8 ,'Mathew',2),
(9 ,'Cyril',8),

declare @search table (ID int not null)
insert into @search (ID) values (7),(10), (1);

;With Paths as (
    select s.ID as RootID,t.ID,t.ParentID,t.Name
     , CASE WHEN t.ParentId IS NULL THEN '-' 
            ELSE CONVERT(varchar(max),t.Name) END as Path
    from @search s
    join @t t
      on s.ID = t.ID
    union all
    select p.RootID,t.ID,t.ParentID,p.Name, t.Name + '->' + p.Path
    from Paths p
    join @t t
      on p.ParentID = t.ID
select *
from Paths 
where ParentID is null;

Rextester Demo


with P as
    select *, cast(null as nvarchar) as chain from People where parentID is null
        union all 
            select C.*, cast(coalesce(P.chain, P.name) + '->' + C.name as nvarchar) 
                from People C inner join P on C.parentID = P.id


select id, name, coalesce(chain, '-') relation from P where id in (7, 10, 1)


id    name    relation
----- ------  ------------------------------
1     Alex    -
10    Johan   John->Mathew->Cyril->Johan
7     Antony  Alex->Don->San->Antony

Rextester Demo.