在 Clojure 中使用 compojure.route/not-found 时获取 http 请求

Getting the http request when using compojure.route/not-found in Clojure

我正在使用 Cloujre 的 Compojure 构建服务器。默认路由是compojure.route/not-found,有没有办法获取到达此路由的请求?我想打印所有在那里结束的请求。


(def handler (-> your-routes
                 wrap-my-request-middleware ;; it has to be in this order

让我们在这里登录 uri

(defn wrap-my-request-middleware
  (fn [request]
    (let [response   (handler request)]
      (when (= 404 (:status response))
        ;; do whatever you like in here
        (log/info (str "Request path: " (:uri request))))
      response)));; fn needs to return reponse...