如何为 {id}/visit 创建有效路线?

How to make valid route for {id}/visit?

我是 asp.core 的新人,所以我尝试创建到 {id}/visits



public class UserController 
    public async Task<IActionResult> GetUser([FromRoute] long id)
        throw new NotImplementedException()

但是,在路由 {id} 生成的方法相同:

// GET: /Users/5
public async Task<IActionResult> GetUser([FromRoute] long id)
    return Ok(user);

如何创建路由 /Users/5/visits 方法?
我应该在 GetUser 添加哪些参数?


[RoutePrefix("Users")] // different attribute here and not starting /slash
public class UserController 
    // Gets a specific user
    [Route("{id:long}")] // Matches GET Users/5
    public async Task<IActionResult> GetUser([FromRoute] long id)
        // do what needs to be done

    // Gets all visits from a specific user
    [Route("{id:long}/visits")] // Matches GET Users/5/visits
    public async Task<IActionResult> GetUserVisits([FromRoute] long id) // method name different
        // do what needs to be done