尽管导入了 Arith,但“_/_”的未知解释

Unknown Interpretation for "_/_" despite importing Arith

我试图编写一个函数将 nat 转换为 coq 中的 string。这是我的尝试。

Require Import Arith String.

  append is part of the string library. Its signature is
                 (s1 : string) : string -> string

Fixpoint convert_nat_to_string (n : nat) : string :=
match n with
  | 0 => String "0" EmptyString 
  | 1 => String "1" EmptyString
  | 2 => String "2" EmptyString
  | 3 => String "3" EmptyString
  | 4 => String "4" EmptyString
  | 5 => String "5" EmptyString
  | 6 => String "6" EmptyString
  | 7 => String "7" EmptyString
  | 8 => String "8" EmptyString
  | 9 => String "9" EmptyString
  | _ => (append (convert_nat_to_string (n/10))) (convert_nat_to_string (n mod 10))

然而,在最后一个分支上,coqide 给我一个错误

Error: Unknown interpretation for notation "_ / _".

尽管我已经导入了 Arith 库。有谁知道我为什么会收到此错误消息?

证明 /Arith 的一部分:

Coq < Require Import Arith.
[Loading ML file z_syntax_plugin.cmxs ... done]
[Loading ML file quote_plugin.cmxs ... done]
[Loading ML file newring_plugin.cmxs ... done]
<W> Grammar extension: in [tactic:simple_tactic], some rule has been masked
<W> Grammar extension: in [tactic:simple_tactic], some rule has been masked
<W> Grammar extension: in [tactic:simple_tactic], some rule has been masked
<W> Grammar extension: in [tactic:simple_tactic], some rule has been masked
<W> Grammar extension: in [tactic:simple_tactic], some rule has been masked

Coq < Check 5/10.
5 / 10
     : nat

从 Coq 8.6 开始,此函数在 Coq.Arith.PeanoNat 中可用。

Require Import Coq.Arith.PeanoNat.

Check 10 / 5. (* --> 10 / 5 : nat *)