WHERE 子句中的 Dapper 和 DateTime 导致多映射空值

Dapper and DateTime in WHERE clause causes multi-mapped nulls

我终于能够构建多映射查询和 return 有意义的数据。此查询 return 编辑了一个自定义对象的列表,该对象本身由一些其他对象组成。但是这个查询只用了一个参数。

当我通过添加第二个参数 DateTime 修改此查询时,两个聚合对象(Part 和 Color)为空。但是,当我在分析器中捕获 SQL 并在 SQL 服务器中捕获 运行 时,所有数据都在那里!

如何更好地处理 where 子句中的 DateTime 参数?显然这是导致问题的原因。

后面的代码适用于注释掉的 where 子句,但不适用于现有的 where 子句。

  public IList<PartReceipt> GetReceiptHistory(ListItem supplier, DateTime dateReceived)
     const string sql =
        @"SELECT r.id,  r.Quantity, r.UnitCost, r.DateReceived,
                 s.Id , s.Description, 
                 p.Id, p.Number, p.Description, p.StockClass,
                 mp.Id , mp.Number, mp.ManufacturerId, mp.Description,
                 m.Id , m.Description, m.ShortDescription, 
                 c.Id, c.Description, 
                 pc.Id, pc.Name, pc.Description
          FROM   PartReceipt r
          INNER JOIN Supplier s ON r.SupplierId = s.Id
          INNER JOIN Part p on r.PartId = p.Id
          INNER JOIN ManufacturerPart mp ON p.ManufacturerPartId=mp.Id
          INNER JOIN Manufacturer m ON mp.ManufacturerId = m.Id
          LEFT JOIN Color c ON p.ColorId=c.Id
          LEFT JOIN ProductCategory pc ON p.ProductCategoryId=pc.Id
          WHERE s.Id=@supplierId AND r.DateReceived = @dateReceived";

     //           WHERE s.Id=@supplierId";
     IList<PartReceipt> reportData;
     using (DbConnection connection = ConnectionFactory.GetOpenConnection())
        reportData = connection.Query<PartReceipt>(sql,
              supplierId = supplier.Id,
     return reportData;


  public class PartReceipt
     public int Id { get; set; }
     public Supplier Supplier { get; set; }
     public Part Part { get; set; }
     public DateTime DateReceived { get; set; }
     public Decimal UnitCost { get; set; }
     public int Quantity { get; set; }

  public class Part
     public Color Color { get; set; }
     public string Description { get; set; }
     public int Id { get; set; }
     public ManufacturerPart ManufacturerPart { get; set; }
     public string Number { get; set; }
     public string PicturePath { get; set; }
     public ProductCategory ProductCategory { get; set; }
     public string StockClass { get; set; }

  public class ManufacturerPart
     public string Description { get; set; }
     public int Id { get; set; }
     public int ManufacturerId { get; set; }
     public string Number { get; set; }
     public Manufacturer Parent { get; set; }

  public class Manufacturer
     public string Description { get; set; }
     public int Id { get; set; }
     public string ShortDescription { get; set; }

  public class ProductCategory
     public string Description { get; set; }
     public int Id { get; set; }
     public string Name { get; set; }

  public class Color
     public string Description { get; set; }
     public int Id { get; set; }


  public IList<PartReceipt> GetReceiptPart(ListItem supplier, DateTime dateReceived)
     const string sql =
        @"SELECT r.id,  r.Quantity, r.UnitCost, r.DateReceived,
                 s.Id , s.Description, 
                 p.Id, p.Number, p.Description, p.StockClass,
                 mp.Id , mp.Number, mp.ManufacturerId, mp.Description,
                 m.Id , m.Description, m.ShortDescription, 
                 c.Id, c.Description, 
                 pc.Id, pc.Name, pc.Description
          FROM   PartReceipt r
          INNER JOIN Supplier s ON r.SupplierId = s.Id
          INNER JOIN Part p on r.PartId = p.Id
          INNER JOIN ManufacturerPart mp ON p.ManufacturerPartId=mp.Id
          INNER JOIN Manufacturer m ON mp.ManufacturerId = m.Id
          LEFT JOIN Color c ON p.ColorId=c.Id
          LEFT JOIN ProductCategory pc ON p.ProductCategoryId=pc.Id
          WHERE s.Id=@supplierId AND r.DateReceived = @dateReceived";

     IList<PartReceipt> reportData;
     using (DbConnection connection = ConnectionFactory.GetOpenConnection())
        reportData =
            <PartReceipt, Supplier, Part, ManufacturerPart, Manufacturer, Color, ProductCategory, PartReceipt>(
               (receipt, supp, part, mfgPart, mfg, color, productCategory) =>
                  receipt.Supplier = supp;
                  receipt.Part = part;
                  receipt.Part.ManufacturerPart = mfgPart;
                  receipt.Part.ManufacturerPart.Parent = mfg;
                  receipt.Part.Color = color;
                  receipt.Part.ProductCategory = productCategory;
                  return receipt;
               }, new { supplierId = supplier.Id, dateReceived })
     return reportData;